Andrea Fazzini


The Good Witch of Christmas
In this adorable sequel to "Christmas Thieves," Frank and Tony are babysitting for Liam and Olivia, while their parents Emma and Peter are out shopping for last-minute Christmas presents. Emma and Peter get into an accident with Santa Claus, and have scared off all of his reindeer. Santa needs to call for back-up and the only person left to save the day is the Christmas Witch. Unbeknownst to Santa, the Christmas Witch has accidentally landed in front of Olivia and Liam's house, and she has completely lost her memory. Liam, Olivia, Frank and Tony try to find answers for the Witch in the book "Puffins". Will the Puffins help the Witch remember that she needs to go help Santa in enough time to save Christmas? This heartwarming live-action and animated Christmas film is filled with lots of holiday magic, and is something the whole family will enjoy together.
Christmas Thieves
Después de que un robo sale mal, Frank y Vince irrumpen en una casa cuando dos niños los confunden con sus niñeras. Con la esperanza de que se duerman para que puedan escapar, Frank lee historias de un libro mágico que robó durante el robo, llevándolos al mundo encantado de Arctic Friends. Los dos ladrones tienen que soportar las travesuras del niño mientras hacen varios intentos absurdos de escapar.
A Day with Santa
Santa Claus went on vacation, and this year his replacement is a girl: Santa Belle. It is she who welcomes the two best children in the world who are given the opportunity to visit the kingdom of Santa Claus. By mistake, the machine teleports Tony and Frank a couple of middle-aged thieves into the castle. Elves who live hundreds of years don't realize the difference. Only Sam, Belle's assistant suspects something is wrong. Meanwhile, the two funny thieves take it into their heads to steal the elves' gold, but to open the safe that contains it they will have to find the clues contained within the Puffins cartoons and face Johnny Puff.
Sherlock Santa
Santa Claus is suffering from a mysterious disease. He lies in bed and only repeats one word: Lebanna. The elves are desperate and don't know what to do anymore. Christmas seems lost when Santa's assistant Annabel uses magic and summons the greatest detective on earth to the castle. The man who appears in front of her doesn't seem very smart but she claims to be the great-great grandson of the great Sherlock Holmes. Annabel entrusts him with the case and an assistant to her, her son Sam. Will the two be able to solve the Lebanna mystery despite Sherlock being allergic to Christmas? Maybe the solution lies in some Arctic Friends cartoons that Santa watched as a child?