Vicki Huff


El halcón negro (Ravenhawk, la vengadora)
Ravenhawk, una india Shoshone, purga condena por el asesinato de sus padres, pero no es culpable. El verdadero asesino está suelto, se llama Philip Torne, y es también responsable de haber construido, en las tierras de los antiguos Shoshones, un basurero nuclear. Torne ha fraguado la culpabilidad de Ravenhawk como represalia por la feroz oposición de ella al proyecto, y hasta ahora se ha salido con la suya. Pero Ravenhawk, inesperadamente reaparece en escena, convertida en una mujer de increíble fuerza y explosivo coraje. Una mujer que tiene una única y afiebrada obsesión: vengarse
Return to Two Moon Junction
Savannah Delongpre is a wealthy fashion model living in New York City who returns to her small town in Georgia to visit her wealthy grandmother Belle as well as walk down memory lane to remember her childhood with some of her friends still living there. During that time, Savannah meets Jake Gilbert a rugged drifter/artist living on the property called Two Moon Junction owned by Belle and whose family has a feud with Savannah's for decades. Desperate to forget her stressful life, Savannah eventually begins a sordid affair with Jake, despite opposition from Belle claiming the man is not right for her or anyone. But Savannah's strongest opposition comes from her possessive boyfriend Robert Lee who later arrives and plans to break Savannah and Jake up by buying the Two Moon Junction property to evict Jake from the area.
Adolescentes problemáticos de Los Ángeles participan en un proyecto de vida natural en el desierto que intenta ponerlos en contacto con las prioridades de la vida de la mano de los caritativos Holly y Charles. Cuando llegan al lugar de acampada comienza a tener problemas para acomodarse a la vida en la naturaleza debido a que los cultivadores locales de marihuana usan esteroides para acelerar el crecimiento de las plantas y han creado garrapatas mutantes.
Without a Kiss Goodbye
True story of a middle class mother charged with murdering her baby, despite her denials. Re-tells the story of the medical and police investigations, the later court proceedings and the final outcome.
LifeStories: Steve Burdick
Steve Burdick is closeted television anchorman whose lover dies of an AIDS-related illness. Steve decides to come out and then tells his story about being gay and battling AIDS during a special segment of the nightly news. Originally episode eight of LifeStories, it was moved to later in the season due to the subject matter.
Sworn to Silence
A lawyer who is defending an accused murderer, is told by his client the whereabouts of the bodies. However, being his lawyer, he is unable to reveal this information.
A Masterpiece of Murder
Casting Associate
An over-the-hill gumshoe reluctantly teams with worldly retired master thief to solve a string of art thefts and murders.
Doc Jenkins may be one of country music's most beloved stars, but his private life is a wreck. He's split up with his longtime partner, Blackie Buck, a country outlaw with a heart of gold. Doc's singer-wife, Honey Carder, has thrown him out of the house. And now he's gotten involved with a sleazy music manager, Rodeo Rocky, who's out to steal his material. Teaming up with Blackie, Doc takes drastic measures to win back his family and reclaim his songs.
Harry e hijo
Harry, un hombre viudo que trabaja en la construcción, está pasando malos momentos por motivos de salud. Cuando, de manera involuntaria, casi mata a un compañero, decide buscar un nuevo trabajo. Tiene un hijo adolescente, un tanto irresponsable, que no entiende el malhumor de su padre, sobre todo, cuando le aconseja que busque trabajo. Además, el chico sueña con ser escritor, pero sólo se lo confía a su amiga Katy.