Ronayne Higginson


My Dad Is 100 Years Old
A tribute to Isabella Rossellini's father
Dialogue Editor
Shane Bradley, who is fixated on ideas of luck and destiny, tries to win the girl of his dreams. After their relationship falters, Shane begins to think he might be unlucky and turns to gambling as an outlet for his obsession.
Las brujas de Salem
Dialogue Editor
En 1692 el terror se apoderó de Salem (Massachussets), que vivió uno de los capítulos más negros de la historia. Cuando varias jóvenes de la comunidad puritana empiezan a sufrir convulsiones, los vecinos de la ciudad, bajo la influencia del reverendo Samuel Parrish, padre de una de las afectadas, llegan a la conclusión de que se trata de un caso de brujería. En diez meses, 19 personas inocentes fueron acusadas de brujería, juzgadas y condenadas a muerte.
This Might Be Good
Sound Effects Editor
A festival is a concentration of hope. Audiences hungering for something startingly new, famously familiar or just plain "good". Actors hoping their well-conceived sincerity and ritual entrances have that special glow. Press and critics poised to love or hate lucidly. And proud, desperate filmmakers looking for that little blessing on their latest self-projection. All squeezing together for a few days, in a few rooms wondering whether this will truly be the perfect place at the perfect time. Of course, it rarely is. Mostly it's just a collection of almosts. Delicious, shared almosts.