31º October 2004: for the first time, the political party Frente Amplio is on the verge of winning the presidential elections. Líber Seregni, one of the founders of this political party, since 1971 fought for that possibility. For ten years he had been in prison for his ideals. His wife and family were silent observers of this long trip to build democracy. This documentary is about that day, together with Seregni's wife, daughter and grand-daughters from the moment the votes were cast up to the results that same night. The end of a journey of love, hope and trust.
Camera Operator
31º October 2004: for the first time, the political party Frente Amplio is on the verge of winning the presidential elections. Líber Seregni, one of the founders of this political party, since 1971 fought for that possibility. For ten years he had been in prison for his ideals. His wife and family were silent observers of this long trip to build democracy. This documentary is about that day, together with Seregni's wife, daughter and grand-daughters from the moment the votes were cast up to the results that same night. The end of a journey of love, hope and trust.
El viaje hacia el mar es una película uruguaya de 2003 basada en el cuento homónimo de Juan José Morosoli, dirigida por Guillermo Casanova y protagonizada por Hugo Arana, Diego Delgrossi, Julio César Castro, Julio Calcagno, Héctor Guido y César Troncoso. Fue nominada en los Premios Goya 2004 a mejor film extranjero de habla hispana y ganadora del Colón de Oro del 29º Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Huelva. En el verano de 1963, en un bar de la ciudad de Minas, el sepulturero Quintana (Julio Calcagno), Rataplán (Diego Delgrossi), barrendero y Siete y Tres Diez (Julio César Castro), vendedor de loterías, esperan a Rodríguez (Hugo Arana) que los va a llevar en su camión a ver el mar por primera vez. Los acompañan El Vasco (Héctor Guido) y un Desconocido (César Troncoso) que se une a último momento. A lo largo del viaje los personajes irán revelando su forma de ver el mundo y vivir la vida.