Armer Bauer am Karussell
Peter, un humilde vendedor de coles, decide casarse, por lo que acude al hombrecito de cristal, que le concede dinero y bienes. Pero Peter gasta su fortuna a manos llenas antes de la boda, y tiene que invocar al malvado Michel para salir del apuro. Éste le exige su corazón a cambio de cumplir con sus deseos. Con un corazón de piedra, Peter se vuelve cruel e injusto. Sin embargo, un resto de humanidad le hace recapacitar, y en su desesperación clama de nuevo por el hombrecito de cristal…
Flügeladjutant des Königs
A biographical film of Otto von Bismarck, the Prime Minister of Prussia, and how he and his policies - including aggressive war - helped to unite Germany.
Nazi historical drama about Duke Karl Alexander of Württemberg and his treasurer Süß Oppenheimer.
Kochs Patient Netschmann
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended up with a circus. Converted to a bar, it finally had its day and was supposed to serve as a placard carrier. Luckily, the museum saved it from this sad fate.
In 18th century Europe, King Friedrich II of Prussia leads his army through the seven-years-war with neighboring states, and after numerous near defeats, eventually brings a victorious army back to Berlin.
Emir Feofar
The Czar charges a man to deliver a message to the Grand Duke behind enemy lines.On his way he encounters a number of adventures.
Johann Ruseler
Film by Andersen.
Oberzollrat Rüder
Kriminalkommissar Kunert
Film by Heuberger.
Film by Georg Jacoby.
Duke Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig
In 1812, during the French period, large parts of Germany are occupied by the troops of Napoleon. Several paramilitary Freikorps units battle the French forces, among them the Black Brunswickers led by the 'Black Duke' Frederick William of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. After the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Black Hussars are pursued by Napoleon throughout the country, but frequently take refuge with the noble-minded German people.
Luscha's Father
The demonic Rasputin is poisoned but survives to continue seducing in evil ways, in this historical thriller.
Prof. Smith
Trece maletas caras, marcadas sólo con las iniciales O.F., y un telegrama con una reserva llegan al hotel del aburrido pueblucho de Ostend. Todos los habitantes especulan sobre el misterioso visitante. El editor del periódico local aprovecha la ocasión y asegura que las maletas pertenecen a un millonario que está de vuelta a su hogar, y enseguida el pueblo rebosa de actividad. Se ensaya una fiesta y comienzan a construir un cine, una ópera, un ayuntamiento. En medio de una época en crisis Ostend vive el auge de la ciudad y se convierte en un símbolo para la economía mundial.
vanha metsästäjä, entinen tsaarin upseeri
A Russian officer rescues the wanted anarchist Vera Maretskaja. A romance arises between them, but the secret police arrests the officer in a restaurant and expels him to Siberia on charges of aiding the revolutionaries.
Peter I of Serbia
The film focuses on the leadership of the Great Powers of Europe in the days leading up to the outbreak of the First World War.
Dr. Petersen
A scientist, Professor Jakob ten Brinken, interested in the laws of heredity, impregnates a prostitute in a laboratory with the semen of a hanged murderer. The prostitute conceives a female child who has no concept of love, whom the professor adopts. The girl, Alraune, suffers from obsessive sexuality and perverse relationships throughout her life. She learns of her unnatural origins and she avenges herself against the professor.
Kommissar Wolter
L'abbé Faria
This epic adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo was directed by Henri Fescourt, and stars Jean Angelo, Lil Dagover, Pierre Batcheff, the beautiful Marie Glory, and Bernhard Goetzke as the Abbé Faria.
Moritz Stiefel faces expulsion due to poor marks. When he is caught with an essay titled “Shame and Lust”, he is indeed kicked out – instead of classmate Melchior Gabor, who actually penned it. Gabor was drawing on his experiences with neighbourhood girl Wendla. Then Wendla turns up pregnant. Stiefel descends into despair ... Exploitation between Eros and Thanatos in this “sexual tragedy of youth” based on Frank Wedekind’s play. Setting the film in the 1920s provided a chance to explore “modern” youth culture, complete with cigarettes, jazz music, the gramophone, and a goodly bit of alcohol. Richard Oswald, a master of films of manners and young sex beginning in the 1910s, fully explores the temptations of the youthful body, even early childhood flirtatiousness. At the same time, with his target audience in mind, the film laments the bigotry and double standards of the adult world.
Professor Zange
A Socialist Realist distortion of Dr. Paul Kammerer's experiments in the inheritance of acquired character(istic)s -- the (not entirely anti-Darwinian) conjecture that certain changes the environment produces in an individual may spontaneously appear in the next generation. As recounted in Arthur Koestler's The Case of the Midwife Toad (1971), Kammerer (1880-1926) claimed that darkened footpads he had artificially induced in a toad had been passed on to its offspring. When it was discovered that his critical specimen had been injected with ink (though why and by whom is still unknown), his credibility was destroyed and he apparently suicided. Richard Goldschmidt's synopsis of the film in "Research and Politics," Nature (1949), mocks it as Soviet propaganda in support of the inheritance of acquired characters: The importance attached to the subject is revealed by the facts that none other than the then all-powerful [People's] Commissar for [Public] Education, the highly ...
Dr. Magirus
Professor de Geer
Thomas Feld
"Guilty" - Thomas Feld returns home after 16 years in prison to find his wife Magda and daughter Maria fell in the hands of Peter Cornelius, the owner of a cabaret. Lawyer Frank Peters falls in love with Maria.
Richard Lindtner
The gorgeous 40-year-old Elsie Lindtner lives in a beautiful house, and is married to a respectable university professor. And yet, there’s something that nags her. She’s about to reach “the dangerous age”, when beauty begins to fade and boredom kicks in. She falls in love with a younger man and divorces her husband, but ends up hiding away in a country house where she can age in secret.
Mr. Pettigrew
In the Kentucky hills a store keeper tries to win the love of an innocent schoolteacher. She runs away and seeks refuge with a hermit.
Lorenz Hewer
If watching a fellow facing indifference/rejection in the slums of Berlin didn't convey enough pathos, Gerhard Lamprecht gathered much of the same crew from Die Verrufenen and turned his attention to the city's population of unwanted children for the heart-tugging Die Unehelichen, released the following year. The trio of foster children at the center of Die Verrufenen are survivors who use their own resourcefulness to get by when the kids' guardians and the system itself let them down.
Carmine Gallone and Amleto Palermi’s The Last Days of Pompeii 1926 stages in sumptuous colour tinting the epic fall of the ancient city buried by Mount Vesuvius’ eruption. Adapted from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s love story, the film was innovative in its special effects and an early major box-office hit. A beautiful tinted restoration print was prepared using photochemical processes by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale in the mid-1990s and the premiere screening of the restoration print was held in the amphitheatre in Pompeii, followed by a screening at the major restoration festival ‘Il Cinema Ritrovato’ in Bologna in 1998.
Adrian Levinsky
A French violinist saves his beloved princess from the Russian revolution..
Robert Kramer
It was not just the children who were treated badly by the wealthy Weimar republic. Robert Kramer is released from prison but struggles to adjust to civilian life. His father disowns him out, his wife has left him for another man. There is no work. He eventually arrives in a shelter for the homeless, and seeks salvation through Emma, a prostitute.
Volker von Alzeÿ
Cuando Kriemhild, sedienta de venganza, se casa con Etzel, rey de los hunos, invita al rey Gunther y a su corte a visitarlos, con la intención de tomar finalmente la vida del hombre responsable de su desgracia.
Volker von Alzeÿ
Siegfried, hijo del rey Siegmund de Xanten, viaja a Worms, capital del reino de los burgundios, para pedir al rey Gunther la mano de su hermana, la bella Kriemhild.
A Saracen sultan's disguised son loves an amnesiac Moslem princess.
Minister Menschikoff
Biopic sobre el zar Pedro el Grande
Vanina loves rebel leader Octavio, who gets caught. He gets a pardon and marries Vanina. When he is captured again, Vanina helps him to escape prison. They are both caught, and after his execution she dies from grief.
Norbert von Wenk
Mientras la policía intensifica su desconcertante búsqueda de la notoria banda de gánsteres del Dr. Mabuse, el engañoso y elusivo hipnotizador Mabuse comienza simultáneamente a encerrarse en sí mismo.
Norbert von Wenk
Doctor Mabuse is a criminal mastermind, doctor of psychology, and master of disguise, armed with the powers of hypnosis and mind control, who oversees the counterfeiting and gambling rackets of the Berlin underworld. He visits gambling dens by night under various guises and aliases, using the power of suggestion to win at cards and finance his plans.
Prosecutor von Wenk
La primera versión cinematográfica del Dr. Mabuse consta de dos partes: “El gran jugador” y “El infierno”. El doctor Mabuse es un villano que no se siente atraído por los bienes materiales, sino por el placer que le proporciona jugar con el destino de los hombres.
La devoción por una bella esclava provoca una guerra entre el faraón Amenes y el rey de Etiopía. Pero ella ama a Ramphis. Fue la película más espectacular que se había producido hasta entonces en Europa y utilizaba una impresionante reconstrucción de las pirámides, los templos, los desiertos e incluso el Nilo en los estudios alemanes Ufa.
Yogi Ramigani
Rowland falls sick with leprosy while Mac Allan is captured by the Maharajah, who offers Irene a deal: one night with him in exchange for letting Rowland to be cured. She accepts, but tries to commit suicide.
Yogi Ramigani
Un rajá celoso y vengativo ordena a un poderoso yogui que atraiga a un famoso arquitecto inglés con objeto de que construya un maravilloso mausoleo en el que yacerá la esposa infiel del príncipe.
Death / El Mot / Archer
Dos jóvenes enamorados viajan en diligencia y, de repente, se une a los viajeros un misterioso desconocido. El vehículo se detiene en una posada, y el desconocido desaparece con el joven. La muchacha busca desesperadamente a su novio y, cuando descubre que es la Muerte quien se lo ha llevado, le implora que se lo devuelva. La Muerte le muestra tres velas (vidas) a punto de extinguirse y le explica que sólo podrá recuperarlo si logra salvar alguna de ellas.
Malatti's father has unexpectedly survived the fall from the train and now vows to take cruel revenge on McAllan. In Lhasa, the old capital of Tibet, seat of the Dalai Lama and at the same time a "forbidden city" for all foreigners, there is another dramatic encounter between the engineer and Badhama. In a dark dungeon, he thinks he recognizes McAllan and tries to stab the man he holds responsible for all the misfortune. He does not realize who he is stabbing, killing his own daughter in the process. The Dalai Lama's servants arrest Badhama and throw him in the dungeon. Malatti's father is sentenced to death, while McAllan sees the light of day again and is released.
Gabriela Farnese, a famous singer, visits Bombay to find her mysterious doppelganger, the dancer Concha.
The old man and McAllan then got into a physical altercation on the roof of a train that was moving at full speed, in which Malatti's father fell. McAllan assumes that his adversary died in the process. When a gang of rogue robbers board the train, McAllan's life doesn't seem worth a damn anymore. But then, almost out of nowhere, his faithful servant Lubzang appears and saves his master's life at the last moment. Malatti, also on board, falls into the clutches of the gang and is sent to Tibet by the sinister fellowsabducted to be offered as a sacrifice to the goddess Bhawani. However, a kind-hearted member of the gang of robbers takes pity on her and helps the exotic beauty to escape. A little later, Malatti meets Lubzang, who has meanwhile broken away from his master McAllan. He takes her with him.
In Calcutta, McAllan meets the beautiful Indian woman Malatti, with whom he immediately falls in love. The engineer quickly neglects his professional obligations and follows her. After some complications, the two of them finally get closer at her home, even if Malatti's father Badhama rejects this connection. Badhama only agrees to the planned marriage when he learns how wealthy this white man must be. After some time, McAllan returns to his large construction site, where things are going haywire. Many workers die in an explosion, and McAllan is now liable with his fortune. As a result, the engineer, who became impoverished overnight, suddenly becomes uninteresting for Malatti's father as a son-in-law, especially since with a solvent Japanese man who offers a lot of money for his daughter's hand,
German silent film
A Friend at Table Seance
After the old-books shop closes, portraits of the Strumpet, Death, and the Devil come to life and amuse themselves by reading stories--about themselves.
Cuenta la historia de Madame DuBarry, quien de humilde origen, llegó a alcanzar el puesto de favorita del rey Luis XV, quien la hizo condesa al casarla con un noble de la Corte, así como los hechos que llevaron a la Revolución Francesa.
"Truth Wins" - A history film that is particularly elaborate in terms of its features and that attempts to illustrate the perpetual victory of the truth about the lie in three epic episodes.
The director and co-writer Lupu Pick plays musician Erik Paulsson, who loses his beloved son after a peaceful yet critical poetry reading is raided by the tsarist forces. Paulsson, beside himself with grief, kills the officer responsible and is sentenced to life, which will mean 18 years in prison before he is free again. While he is inside, by a strange quirk of fate, his daughter Karin falls in love with writer Sebald Brückner, the son of the state prosecutor, who indicted Paulsson and is a staunch advocate of the death penalty. The conflict between the fathers does not impair the relationship of the young couple. However, when Sebald’s long-desired success on the stage is threatened by a vengeful theatre director who had sexually harassed Karin, he is enraged and kills the other man in a fight. The prosecutor now must face the blow of losing his own son to the death penalty.
A millionaire steals an ancient idol causing some natives call upon him a terrible curse.
Silent film.