Art Direction
Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.
Art Direction
A young Lyova travels with the hope of ascent from Czarist Russia to New York. Disappointed, he returns to the young Soviet Union and is glad to have found a simple work.
Set Designer
The priests, stock market officials, and police conspire to squeeze income out of pilgrims come to see relics of a Christ like figure. A pair of con men try to pass of a resurrected saint.
Art Direction
The priests, stock market officials, and police conspire to squeeze income out of pilgrims come to see relics of a Christ like figure. A pair of con men try to pass of a resurrected saint.
Art Direction
Ambientado en Siberia y el Tibet durante la ocupación inglesa de esas tierras, Tormenta Sobre Asia cuenta la historia de un cazador local que es confundido con un descendiente del legendario Genghis Khan. Entonces los invasores deciden usarlo como títere político, sin saber que el cazador tiene sus propias ideas al respecto.
Production Design
Life is short and full of oppression, but that doesn't mean Parasha can't find love and laughter when she leaves her country home to take a job as a maid in the overcrowded, overworked, and underpaid world in the big city.
Set Designer
Jacob, a farmer, returns from the war to his wife Marie and begs the landlord baron for a plot of land to rent. The Baron grants the request, but only for a barren, rocky, useless acreage. The pair struggle to make do on this land, but then the Baron demands that Maria leave her husband to serve as wet nurse to his married daughter Anya's new baby, on threat of eviction. While nursing the daughter's baby, Maria receives unwelcome attentions from the daughter's husband, and a scandal erupts, ruining Maria in her husband's eyes. When she escapes from her employers and seeks to return home, the police give her the yellow passport signifying a prostitute, further degrading her. She approaches home, unsure of the reception that awaits her.
Art Direction
Realizada para conmemorar el décimo aniversario de la Revolución de Octubre de 1917, narra los acontecimientos ocurridos en San Petersburgo, desde entonces Leningrado, a través de las vicisitudes de un campesino que llega a la ciudad intentando escapar de la miseria y del hambre.
During the good old days of the Russian aristocracy, that is to say, before the October Revolution, in the city of Moscow there was a fancy restaurant which catered to the appetites and egos of the rich. In one such establishment works a middle-aged waiter who is devoted to serving his bourgeoisie clients correctly. However, his life outside his job is very different: His son was killed during the Russian civil war and the waiter's wife died of grief as a result....
Art Direction
Un patrón sin escrúpulos le da a una joven trabajadora un boleto de lotería en vez de pagarle su sueldo. El boleto resulta ganador y la chica consigue una fortuna, lo que desencadenará una carrera para poseer el boleto... y el amor de la chica.
Set Designer
Adaptación de una novela del conde Alexei Tolstoi, pariente lejano de León Tolstoi. Aelita, la reina de Marte, harta de vivir sometida a su despótico padre, lanza una llamada de socorro a la Tierra. Tras descifrar el mensaje, el ingeniero de la Estación de Radio de Moscú, al que se une el revolucionario Gusev, emprende un viaje a Marte en la nave que ha construido. Los dos ayudan a Aelita a derrocar al tirano, pero, a continuación, también ella implanta un régimen totalitario.
Production Design
Directed by Viktor Tourjansky.
Production Design
Production Design
Also known as Five Minutes.