Pavel Pol

Pavel Pol

Nacimiento : 1887-05-10,

Muerte : 1955-04-26


Pavel Pol


The Boys from Leningrad
Dneprovsky, composer
Comedy about brothers Vesnushkin, Sasha and Vasya, who are playing for one team in a National Soccer Competition. However, Sasha falls in love with a beautiful girl and loses his confidence just before the final game, so his brother has to take the lead on the field in order to save the game.
Glory Dealers
The film is set in France during World War I. Bachelet's father and son are members of the French army . After the death of Bachelet Jr., he is called a national hero, actively using the fact of his death in the election campaign to fight communism. At the time of the opening of the monument in his honor, the hero himself appears, having returned to his homeland. It turns out that Bashlet Jr. was actually only shell-shocked, not killed. He uses the current situation to call on the audience to stop the imperialist war. This is followed by his arrest and charges of imposture.
La muchacha de la sombrerera
Irène's Husband
Un patrón sin escrúpulos le da a una joven trabajadora un boleto de lotería en vez de pagarle su sueldo. El boleto resulta ganador y la chica consigue una fortuna, lo que desencadenará una carrera para poseer el boleto... y el amor de la chica.
Aelita: Reina de Marte
Viktor Ehrlich, Sugar Profiteer
Adaptación de una novela del conde Alexei Tolstoi, pariente lejano de León Tolstoi. Aelita, la reina de Marte, harta de vivir sometida a su despótico padre, lanza una llamada de socorro a la Tierra. Tras descifrar el mensaje, el ingeniero de la Estación de Radio de Moscú, al que se une el revolucionario Gusev, emprende un viaje a Marte en la nave que ha construido. Los dos ayudan a Aelita a derrocar al tirano, pero, a continuación, también ella implanta un régimen totalitario.