Scenario Writer
Early XIX century. Gloomy home lender Gobseck in a suburb of Paris — a silent witness of human tragedy and ruined lives. The power of money equalizes people of different classes and positions, forcing the usurer to ask humbly for a loan. But mountains of rotting goods, gold and silver scrap do not bring happiness to Gobseck. From his own greed he loses his mind and dies..
Early XIX century. Gloomy home lender Gobseck in a suburb of Paris — a silent witness of human tragedy and ruined lives. The power of money equalizes people of different classes and positions, forcing the usurer to ask humbly for a loan. But mountains of rotting goods, gold and silver scrap do not bring happiness to Gobseck. From his own greed he loses his mind and dies..
Directed by Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky.
The film's plot is based on the real murder of the Soviet diplomatic courier Theodor Nette abroad. The pouch of the Soviet diplomat, which is stolen by British spies, is taken away by the sailors of a ship sailing to Leningrad who deliver it to the authorities. The intelligence agents make every effort to retrieve the bag.
A través de la historia de una pareja de jóvenes y sus desavenencias durante la competición, Poudovkine decidió hacer una sátira de la fiebre por el ajedrez que se desató en Moscú con motivo del Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez.
Konstantin Eggert both directed and starred as Count Shemet, cursed by his insane mother’s traumatic experience with a bear to have seizures during which he himself becomes a “bear” on the kill. Eggert’s direction of the movie is as odd as the plot. The whole film is unsettling. The titles are too long; there are interminable shots of irrelevant action; the cutting is uneven. The heroine is unsuitably comic, spasmodically jumping around, smearing ink on her face, knocking things over. For some reason the somber, doomed count falls in love with this girl and decides to marry her.
Konstantin Eggert both directed and starred as Count Shemet, cursed by his insane mother’s traumatic experience with a bear to have seizures during which he himself becomes a “bear” on the kill. Eggert’s direction of the movie is as odd as the plot. The whole film is unsettling. The titles are too long; there are interminable shots of irrelevant action; the cutting is uneven. The heroine is unsuitably comic, spasmodically jumping around, smearing ink on her face, knocking things over. For some reason the somber, doomed count falls in love with this girl and decides to marry her.
Tuskub, Ruler of Mars
Adaptación de una novela del conde Alexei Tolstoi, pariente lejano de León Tolstoi. Aelita, la reina de Marte, harta de vivir sometida a su despótico padre, lanza una llamada de socorro a la Tierra. Tras descifrar el mensaje, el ingeniero de la Estación de Radio de Moscú, al que se une el revolucionario Gusev, emprende un viaje a Marte en la nave que ha construido. Los dos ayudan a Aelita a derrocar al tirano, pero, a continuación, también ella implanta un régimen totalitario.