Will Rogers

Will Rogers


Will Rogers


Última noche en el Soho
Café de Paris Bartender
Thriller psicológico sobre una joven apasionada por la moda que misteriosamente puede entrar en la década de 1960, donde se encuentra con su ídolo, un atractivo aspirante a cantante. Pero el Londres de los sesenta no es lo que parece, y el tiempo comenzará a desmoronarse con sombrías consecuencias.
Ben is a control-freak, charmer, abuser and warped product of the digital age. He films everything. Jess is just out of rehab. Their worlds are dominated by each other. Jess now needs some space and time apart from Ben and is invited by her friends to their house in the woods for the weekend. People arrive and the party kicks off… but not everyone attending has been invited.