Anna Khromova


Goodbye, Petrushka
Sound Mixer
Claire se muda impulsivamente de Nueva York a París, donde hace de niñera para una familia complicada, lucha contra burócratas franceses chiflados, se avergüenza frente a su enamoramiento parisino y navega por una relación tóxica, entre otros pasos en falso.
Sound Mixer
Eludiendo a la policía en una granja remota después de haber cometido un robo, cuatro delincuentes descubren que la familia que vive allí no es quien parece ser.
The Tramp's New World
Sound Mixer
In 1948 the James Agee wrote a scenario for his lifelong hero, Charlie Chaplin. Deeply disturbed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agee imagined New York destroyed. In the ruins, Chaplin's Little Tramp builds a shack in Central Park. Gradually a small community of the dispossessed grows up around him. For Agee, his story was a thought experiment about how one might start again in the aftermath of disaster, to go beyond capitalism and just how hard that is in the face of our modern technological world. The film focuses on his imaginative journey and what it might mean for us today.
Sound Mixer
A provocative glimpse into addiction and redemption wrapped up in a dark comedy-drama. Hang on tight. Recovery is a bumpy ride.