Viesturs Butāns


Eastern-European Spiderwoman
Gertrude is a forty-year-old woman. She is lonely and lives in a one-room apartment. She works at a public lavatory. One night, a spider bites her. Gertrude gains superpowers: super strength and ability to weave a web, yet she does not understand how to deal with these new-found abilities. The relationship between the spider and Gertrude reminds of destructive relationship between a man and a woman.
Augstāk, tālāk, stiprāk
Drugs, relations, parties and people - a young fellow lives through a Day. And does that more than just once. Something is definitely not alright. But what? And is the next time going to be higher, further, stronger?
Dauga Spirit
Pioneers of the Latvian psytrance movement from the viewpoint of a very suspicious alien.