Cyril Metzger

Cyril Metzger


Cyril Metzger


La Morsure
A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Cyril & Louise
Cyril and Louise love each other dearly. Today they celebrate the fourth anniversary of their wild love. Tonight there will be a forest party. Louise and Cyril are planning to go. They don't know it yet, but it will be their last evening together, their last kiss, their last first love.
Letters in Your Name
Robert drives his car along the country roads in the company of his two friends Antoine and Louis. He is obsessed with the incandescent feeling of his childhood love, Hélène. After several years of absence and many letters exchanged, he receives a final letter announcing her return. Passionate and unrestrained, Robert will have to face the resurgent memory, taking with him all forms of reasonable reality.
A Radiant Girl
Paris, summer 1942. Irene is a young, bubbly, 19-year-old Jewish girl. Her family watches her discover the world, friends, new love and a passion for the theatre. The aspiring actress is living her youthful life without a care in the world, but she does not know that time may be running out.
El acontecimiento
Francia, 1963. Anne, una joven y brillante estudiante con un futuro prometedor, descubre que está embarazada. De la noche a la mañana ve truncada la oportunidad de terminar sus estudios y huir de las asfixiantes restricciones de su entorno. Con los exámenes finales acercándose y un vientre que no para de crecer, Anne decide actuar, incluso si supone confrontar la vergüenza, el dolor y hasta ir a la cárcel por ello.
On a Magical Night
Léon Jones
Después de 20 años de matrimonio, María decide dejar a su esposo. Ella se muda a la habitación 212 del hotel al otro lado de la calle, con una vista panorámica de su departamento, su esposo y la vida que compartió con él. Si bien se pregunta si tomó la decisión correcta, muchas de las personas en su vida ofrecen sus opiniones al respecto. Tienen la intención de hacerle saber, si le gusta o no, sobre lo que resulta ser una noche que cambia la vida.
La morsure
Shrove Tuesday in 1967. Seventeen-year-old Françoise is a boarder in a Catholic High School. Convinced she only has one night to live before she dies, she sneaks out with her friend Delphine to attend a costume party and live this night as if it were her last.
La Voie royale