Giacomo Centola


Enemigas íntimas
Line Producer
Lucia (Margherita Buy) es psicóloga de animales, mientras que Fabiola (Claudia Gerini) vende casas de lujo en su agencia inmobiliaria. Las dos se odian profundamente, pero tienen algo en común: su amor por Paolo. Las dos estuvieron casadas con él; Lucia durante doce años, tras los cuales conservan buena amistad, y Fabiola durante ocho. La muerte de Paolo las obliga a encontrarse de nuevo, y descubrir un secreto de su exmarido: un hijo.
The Dinner
Production Manager
Story about two brothers and their wives, and the interactions between them and their two high school age children. When the kids get into serious trouble together, how will the parents relationships change with and among each other? Will the parents protect the kids or force them to face the consequences of their actions?
El maestro
Production Manager
En 1946, Alberto Manzi tras regresar de la Guerra busca trabajo como maestro, una tarea nada fácil ya que carece de recomendaciones. Finalmente encuentra un trabajo que nadie quiere, como profesor en un reformatorio de la ciudad. A sus alumnos no les interesa aprender y Alberto tendrá que ganarse su confianza.
The Blue Collar Worker and the Hairdresser in a Whirl of Sex and Politics
During the general elections of 1994, Tunin, a mechanic with a firm belief in communism fears that his party is about to lose, so he journeys to a northern village to stir up trouble. He isn't there long before he is arguing with a beautiful hairdresser. Their debate is fiery as is his growing and impossible-to-disguise passion for her. She too is intrigued with him, but their disparate ideologies threaten to keep them apart.