Simone Arys


The Little Ones of the Flower Platform
A brave bookseller raises his four daughters alone, all of whom he employs in his shop. They are especially interested in their sentimental stories. Rosine, the youngest, falls in love with Francis, fiancé of Edith, the eldest. But Francis pushes her away and Rosine announces that she is going to commit suicide. Bertrand, a young doctor, decides to stop her by watching over her. After a few adventures, everything finally works out. Edith keeps her fiancé, the father, from whom the adventure has been hidden, returns to the usual course of his life and Bertrand and Rosine find themselves alone.
Fuerzas ocultas
En el film se da vida a un joven diputado, el cual un día decide entrar en la Masonería con la idea de, entre otras cosas, mejorar socialmente tanto en su vida privada como en el mundo de la política. Durante el transcurso de la misma el joven se va dando cuenta que en el interior de la Logia sus hermanos se dedican a conspirar junto a los judíos en el deseo de enfrentar a Francia con Alemania.