Scott Snyder


The Batman
Cuando un asesino se dirige a la élite de Gotham con una serie de maquinaciones sádicas, un rastro de pistas crípticas envía Batman a una investigación en los bajos fondos. A medida que las pruebas comienzan a acercarse a su casa y se hace evidente la magnitud de los planes del autor, Batman debe forjar nuevas relaciones, desenmascarar al culpable y hacer justicia al abuso de poder y la corrupción que durante mucho tiempo han asolado Gotham City.
Batman: Storie Napoletane
Mario Marra
Bruce Wayne travels to Naples to stop Carmine Falcone. He will discover during the adventure that in addition to Penguin, a new villain has made his appearance, his name is ER06
Batman Year One: A Conversation with DC Comics
Michael Uslan talks Batman with Dan DiDio , Dennis O'Neil and Scott Snyder (Writer). the group discusses what made them Batman fans.
Night of the Ghoul
Comic Book
A father and son look into the true story behind a long-lost horror film from the golden era of monster movies. But as they dig deeper, they risk unleashing the very thing the supposedly destroyed film had meant to keep hidden.
Night of the Ghoul
Executive Producer
A father and son look into the true story behind a long-lost horror film from the golden era of monster movies. But as they dig deeper, they risk unleashing the very thing the supposedly destroyed film had meant to keep hidden.