Yuriy Yakovlev


Bash maystor na more
Bash maystorat went to sea with his wife and son. The road passes by vegetable garden with watermelons and they filled the trunk of stolen fruit which subsequently discarded as police goes after them. A little later, by coincidence, they are towed by a truck carrying watermelons to Burgas. Bebov fix crumpled front, but does not change the burned furniture and bash maystorat is forced to tour around the country until he found a new one. In a series of cunning finally outwit both remain without what we have agreed.
Farsighted for Two Diopters
Dimo Manchev (Partsalev), a 50-year-old head of family, has a conservative notion of upbringing and morality. Being familiar with his disposition, the Manchev's daughter Lili (Bratanova) married his sweetheart Plamen (Gadzhokov) in secret. The young couple cast about how to announce the marriage all the more that they are both still students studying in university. The hesitation grows when the father shows strictness even though they present their relation as some university friendship.
The Past-Master
Robespier Galabov
A research worker Robespier Galabov (Yakovlev) lives with his family in a small communal flat with shared kitchen and dreams about a self-contained home. Galabov meet Rangel Lelin (Gospodinov), the well-known amidst the localities as the past-master, when he realized that the new municipal apartment they apply for won't be ready in the next decade. The Past-Master promises to build the private house in a month. After starting the construction, Rangel Lelin constantly blackmail Galabov for more money through treat of "putting the hat". Finally the house was built but the inauguration become gloomy. It turns out that the chimney of the fireplace doesn't work properly. After days of luckless attempts to solve the problem the past-master's brother come into sight. Knowing the Lelin's tricks he find a hat built in the chimney.
A Human Heart
Doctor Rusev
The young partisan Nestor makes attempt to escape from prison, but is shot in the chest. After a few tense hours, the surgeon professor Andronikov removes the bullet, however Nestor is to be tortured in the police station. The professor makes his case in front of the health minister who promises to help him. The minister wants Nestor to express regret for his actions and offer the authorities certain information.
Adventure at Midnight
Leytenant Georgiev
Abundant supplies of imported vaccine prove ineffective against an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in several population centers. Warehouse manager Rashkov has been found dead. Major Zahov has to investigate the case.
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