Franck Trillot

Franck Trillot


Franck Trillot


Alain, a famous actor, agrees to play the impossible role of Jacques Brel. Realising that it might be the last role of his life, he decides to leave the set in the middle of a scene to see Lou, his daughter, whom he has not seen grow up. Against all expectations, Lou gradually enters into his fictional universe.
Les Secrets du Paquebot
Antoine Frelat
El oficio de aprender
Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) tiene 19 años, con un pasado ya complicado a sus espaldas. Durante un taller de integración, Naëlle conoce a Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), su instructora, que le consigue un entrenamiento en un gremio de artesanos. A pesar de sus errores, Naëlle logra encontrar su camino, pero no sin el apoyo de Hélène y de Paul (Pio Marmai), el maestro artesano que la asesora. Naëlle se labrará un lugar en el fascinante mundo de las vidrieras y se dará cuenta de que los valores de los compañeros no son solo palabras vacías.
Eva voudrait
The Salt Way
Christalle is seventeen and lives in the middle of the countryside with her grandfather André. She often visits her father Franck, who lives in a floating cabin on the Loire River. When she has to transport drugs to Orléans, Christalle is threatened by local traffickers. Franck and André must join forces to help her extricate herself from the situation.
Plus bas que le ciel