Serge Renko

Serge Renko


Serge Renko


Smalltown Boys
A young man seems to be dreaming of a reality different from the business he is about to take over and the married life that goes with it; he is drawn to the spicy life of a queer vaudeville troupe performing in his village.
Monsieur Verdier
Fabien is a carer in a residence for dependent persons. Among his missions, the young man reads for Mr Verdier, a man who is neither speaking nor walking. One day, while he is reading him poetry, Fabien notices that his auditor's eyes linger on some parts of his body. Under an impulse, he proposes to take him on a walk.
La Lévitation de la princesse Karnak
An unknown, shapeless disaster happens. Paris must be evacuated. Two friends, Camille and Paul, set out to find shelter in a remote village in Italy, where Paul's brother lives.
Iris in Bloom
Le père d'Iris
An 18-year-old beauty develops an attraction to an older photographer.
Primer amor (Un amour de jeunesse)
Le père de Camille
Primavera de 1999. Camille, de quince años (Lola Créton), y Sullivan, de 19 (Sebastian Urzendowky), viven un amor apasionado, pero él partirá para Sudamérica, dejando a Camille dolorida y desesperada. Años más tarde, Camille, que forma una sólida pareja con Lorenz (Magne Havard Brekke), volverá a reencontrarse con Sullivan.
Paule is pushing 50, as she repeatedly observes in her voice-over commentary. When she – a philosophy lecturer with a 10-year marriage and a 15-year-old daughter – learns that her husband is having an affair with a 28-year-old, this number takes on a special weight. The Internet site “L’âme-sœur” is supposed to help Paule get through her burgeoning midlife crisis...
Trapped in an old folks home where people keep going missing, an ex-cop must overcome his Alzheimers to find out who is killing people in this jigsaw thriller.
El romance de Astrea y Celadón
Rohmer adapta al cine la más loca historia de amor de la literatura barroca del siglo XVII, "L’Astrée", de Honoré d’Urfé (1607-1628). La intriga, que se sitúa en un bosque maravilloso, en la Galia de los druidas del siglo V, relata los amores del pastor Céladon (Andy Gillet) y de la bella Astrée (Stéphanie de Crayencour). Convencida de la infidelidad de Céladon, Astrée lo abandona. El joven, desesperado, intenta suicidarse, pero es salvado, sin que Astrée lo sepa, por las ninfas.
Les Contes secrets ou les Rohmériens
Les Contes Secrets ou les Rohmériens features interviews with 16 actors who have appeared in Rohmer's films, and they talk on camera about his unusual working methods, his personality, and his spare but evocative signature style. Among the thespians who share their memories are Jean-Louis Trinitignant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Zouzou, Jean-Claude Brialy, Béatrice Romand, Françoise Fabian, and Andre Dussolier; the film also includes rare footage of Rohmer himself at work on the set of his 1978 effort Perceval.
Triple agente
En 1936, el Frente Popular y la guerra de España agitan los espíritus. Fiodor, joven general del ejército zarista, refugiado en París, y su esposa Arsinoé, participan del enrarecido ambiente. En tanto que ella simpatiza con los comunistas, él realiza viajes secretos y le gusta inquietar a quienes le rodean. No oculta que es un espía, pero disimula por cuenta de quién: ¿de los anticomunistas blancos, de la Unión Soviética, de los nazis o de todos a la vez ? ¿Lo sabe él mismo, que ama a su mujer, pero parece dispuesto a sacrificarla en nombre de un sórdido complot?
La inglesa y el duque
Reconstrucción de las memorias de Miss Grace Eliott, una inglesa monárquica que vivió durante la Revolución Francesa y que fue ama de llaves del Duque de Orleans.
Jeanne Louvrier, una mujer joven y decidida, se queda sin combustible en un camino rural. Después de cruzar a un extraño inspector de policía y a dos hermanos que beben coñac al aire libre, Jeanne entra en un pueblo que parece abandonado. En cuanto se acerca demasiado a una casa cerrada con candado, una trampa se cierra sobre su tobillo. De esta manera, se ve obligada a conocer a los hermanos Odradek, objetos de descubrimiento y estupefacción.
The Freelancers
In this off-beat French comedy-drama, a quirky band of classical musicians prepare to play at a nobleman's New Year's Eve gala.
An arrangement
Alphonse Dutilleux, a Paris Shoemaker, closes shop and makes his way to the Bois de Boulogne, the male pick-up and prostitution scene. His wife and his son are waiting for him for dinner...
Sept en attente
An all night party in a building on the outskirts of Paris provides the setting of this provocative French meditation on life and waiting. As the title states, the film centers on seven main characters at the party. Each of them is privately waiting for something and all of them engage in conversations about the fundamental concerns of life, including love, sex, truth and responsibility. Among the seven are a pregnant woman waiting for her baby, a playboy, a gay man, and a young woman with poor taste in men. To make the film, director Francoise Etchegaray gave the actors a sense of who they were supposed to be and what they should do, placed them in a room, and let them improvise their dialog.
Tres romances en París
Tres relatos sobre citas en París. En el primero, mientras una joven está meditando sobre la posible traición de su novio, un joven intenta entablar conversación con ella. En el segundo, una joven pasea por París con su amante, un profesor de universidad, y se plantea si debe dejar o no a su prometido. En el tercero, un joven artista lleva a su novia sueca a un galería de arte. Allí conoce a una joven que comparte su obsesión por un cuadro de Picasso.
Samson le magnifique
Norbert de Marsac
Adaptation of a French boulevard play, in which a parvenu businessman marries a young lady from a noble family who need his money.There is no love lost between them.
Lou no dice que no
The golden boy
El film surge de la correspondencia entre Lou Andreas-Salomé y Rainer Maria Rilke; sin embargo, describe instantes y aspectos en la vida de una pareja contemporánea en metamorfosis. Miéville logra mostrar la grandeza y la miseria, la claridad y el misterio. Más allá de las heridas, el tiempo y la guerra de los sexos, lo único que queda es la radiante belleza de las cosas.
The Blue Note
Ivan Tourgueniev
A look at the last few days of in the life of composer Frédéric Chopin's professional life.
Les dessous de la passion
The Secret Routes of Migratory Birds
Acting Double