Quentin Brayer


The Wall of the Dead
Arnaud, a student remaining alone in Paris during the summer, is obsessed with the wall where the names of the Parisian soldiers who died in the 1914 war are engraved. He finds himself confronted by one of these soldiers, who invites him to step out of time and to bring comfort to his loved ones.
Associate Producer
At night as they return home to the suburbs, Mourad and Harrison accidentally bump into Marcel, an old man of Vietnamese origin.
La desaparición
Ana regresa a París después de un largo viaje y sin ahorros. Sin otro lugar donde vivir a su regreso, se queda con sus amigos, esperando que se presente una situación mejor. Así comienza el deambular de Ana por la ciudad, un corto viaje cinematográfico surrealista en una noche de su propia melancolía.