Roland Dumas

Roland Dumas

Nacimiento : 1922-08-23, Limoges, France


Roland Dumas


Danielle Mitterrand, une certaine idée de la France
Roland Dumas, le mauvais garçon de la république
Balladur-Chirac, mensonges et trahisons
Ministre ou rien
This is the unlikely story of 21 ministers and prime ministers who have crossed or are crossing the french Fifth Republic today. Twenty-one politicians who, from one day to the next, find themselves at the head of a ministry by the grace of a President of the Republic and his Prime Minister. The formation of the government, conflicts of attribution, reshuffles, rumours of appointments, evictions, casting errors: it is all the capricious backstage of the games of power examined here under the angle of confidence and which sheds light on the prestigious but unknown function of minister. An original and instructive political saga on the reality of those who hold or have held this prestigious position.
Los últimos días de la URSS
La inestabilidad económica y las intrigas en el Partido Comunista (PCUS) provocaron la caída del mayor imperio del siglo XX. Mijaíl Gorbachov no pudo evitarlo con su "perestroika". Corría noviembre de 1989 y caía el Muro de Berlín. Dos años después, los ciudadanos derribaban las estatuas de Lenin y el gesto confirmó la desintegración de la Unión Soviética. Dos años fatídicos para un debilitado Mijaíl Gorbachov, Secretario General del PCUS desde 1985, que se había empeñado en instaurar reformas arriesgadas y radicales, de consecuencias nefastas para la URSS.En política exterior, Gorbachov levantó el "telón de acero" y en política interior inició la democratización del país, lanzando dos conceptos revolucionarios: glasnost o libertad de expresión y perestroika o reforma económica.
Le Diable de la République : 40 ans de Front national
François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996
"What could be more unsettling than a man close to death whose profound arrogance drives him relentlessly to hang onto both his power and his writing, to the bitter end?" In the twilight of his second seven-year term, François Mitterrand was alone. Ravaged by illness and abandoned by a large majority of the Socialist Party, who would not forgive him for the disastrous outcome of the March 1993 elections, the Head of State was preparing to tackle a second round of cohabitation with the right wing. However a series of unexpected tragedies and revelations would arise, casting a shadow over the end of his reign…
François Mitterrand et la guerre d'Algérie