Tatiana Frean


The Sweet East
Dialogue Editor
Una estudiante de instituto abandona su viaje de fin de curso y se embarca en otro viaje a través de las ciudades y bosques de los Estados Unidos.
Spider-Man: Lotus
Sound Supervisor
Following the tragic death of his former girlfriend - seemingly caused by his own attempt to save her - Peter Parker lingers in his guilt of the past, questioning whether the curse of his alter ego should be buried for good. When he's met by the news that a terminally ill child has requested to meet Spider-Man, Peter contemplates the decision to comfort him in his final days. This film has no affiliation with Marvel, Sony or Disney. It is a non-profit fan film.
Spider-Man: Lotus
Dialogue Editor
Following the tragic death of his former girlfriend - seemingly caused by his own attempt to save her - Peter Parker lingers in his guilt of the past, questioning whether the curse of his alter ego should be buried for good. When he's met by the news that a terminally ill child has requested to meet Spider-Man, Peter contemplates the decision to comfort him in his final days. This film has no affiliation with Marvel, Sony or Disney. It is a non-profit fan film.
El viaje de Javier Heraud
Dialogue Editor
Ariarca, sobrina nieta del poeta Javier Heraud, abre el baúl de los recuerdos y descubre una historia por contar: Su tío abuelo, poeta y guerrillero, fue asesinado a los 21 años de edad en la selva del Perú en el año 1963. A pesar de su corta edad, Javier Heraud dejó una obra poética fundamental para la poesía peruana. Ariarca tiene la misma edad que cuando murió su tío abuelo.