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Sales of organic products have increased tenfold in 20 years. In 2020, the market will have exceeded 13 billion euros in sales. The heavyweights of the food industry are surfing on this consumer craze for healthy food by offering more and more "green" products. But organic does not necessarily mean nutritionally balanced.
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In 2002, serial killer Patrice Alègre was sentenced to life imprisonment for five murders. Gendarme Roussel, the main investigator of this case, believes that he will make him confess to other unsolved crimes in Toulouse. Two ex-prostitutes give a series of names of presumed accomplices of the killer, among them Dominique Baudis, then president of the CSA. He decides to face the case alone. Around him, it is silence: not an official support of his political family. Almost twenty years later, we return to the Baudis affair to try to understand it, with the testimonies of Pierre and Benjamin Baudis, his sons, François Hollande, Camille Pascal and the main protagonists.
Cada vez más abundantes y más baratos, los alimentos industriales han invadido nuestros platos. ¿A qué precio? Obesidad, diabetes… Muchas enfermedades son provocadas o agravadas por la ingesta cotidiana de estos productos, de cuyos proceso de fabricación y naturaleza los consumidores saben poco: las etiquetas nunca han sido tan difíciles de descifrar. La industria agroalimentaria se enriquece con alimentos ultraprocesados de bajo coste y despliega sus tecnologías y mercadotecnia para ocultar la verdadera naturaleza de sus creaciones. Con la ayuda de expertos, nutricionistas y un laboratorio de alimentos especializado en investigación y desarrollo, desvelamos los secretos del sector agroalimentario.