Aleksandr Kozlov

Aleksandr Kozlov

Nacimiento : 1950-11-18, USSR


Aleksandr Kozlov


Las difuntas hijas
Shef Antona
En la actualidad, los fantasmas de Moscú de tres niñas pequeñas asesinadas por su loca madre escogen al azar a una persona para que la vigile durante tres días. Si durante este "período de prueba" las normas morales de la persona no parecen ser lo suficientemente altas como para Las Hijas, entonces matenlas utilizando la telequinesia.
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
Вершинин - профессор
Guardianes de la noche
husband of a superstitious passenger
Al caer la noche, las fuerzas de la oscuridad combaten a los “Otros”, sobrehumanos, Guardianes de la Noche, cuya misión es patrullar y proteger a la humanidad, manteniendo la calma. Pero existe un temor constante de que una antigüa profecía se convierta en realidad: que un poderoso “Otro” aparecerá, será tentado por uno de los lados e inclinará la balanza, haciendo que se desate una guerra entre la luz y la oscuridad, cuyos resultados pueden ser catastróficos.
Three Hundred Years After
член правительства
Comedy of the Strict Regime
The action is set in 1970 as the Soviet Union (and the entire progressive world) are preparing to celebrate Lenin's centenary. Not to be outdone, the camp commander decides to have the prisoners put on a play about Lenin's life. However, the ensuing preparations turn everything upside down and seem to offer a God-given chance to plot an escape.