New animated film by Vasilisa Tikunova, Mikhail Yushmanov, Elizaveta Elkina, Vsevolod Andryushchenko, Anna Meleshina, Sofya Feoktistova, Irina Buryakova, Alena Makarova, Anna Dostoevskaya and Anna Parfenova.
New animated film by Vasilisa Tikunova, Mikhail Yushmanov, Elizaveta Elkina, Vsevolod Andryushchenko, Anna Meleshina, Sofya Feoktistova, Irina Buryakova, Alena Makarova, Anna Dostoevskaya and Anna Parfenova.
New animated film by Vasilisa Tikunova, Mikhail Yushmanov, Elizaveta Elkina, Vsevolod Andryushchenko, Anna Meleshina, Sofya Feoktistova, Irina Buryakova, Alena Makarova, Anna Dostoevskaya and Anna Parfenova.
Walter the lamb wants more than anything to become a free and beautiful cloud. But the path to his dream turns out to be really difficult and unpredictable.
Walter the lamb wants more than anything to become a free and beautiful cloud. But the path to his dream turns out to be really difficult and unpredictable.
Walter the lamb wants more than anything to become a free and beautiful cloud. But the path to his dream turns out to be really difficult and unpredictable.