Jocelyn Quivrin

Jocelyn Quivrin

Nacimiento : 1979-02-14, Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, France

Muerte : 2009-11-15


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jocelyn Quivrin  (14 February 1979 – 15 November 2009) was a French actor. He had a supporting role in the critically acclaimed film Syriana. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jocelyn Quivrin, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Jocelyn Quivrin


Henri (Pio Marmaï) es un joven actor que sueña con participar en una película de acción y que se termina viendo las caras en el plató con un maestro del cine de autor, Cédric Rovère (Michael Lonsdale). Henri saldrá transformado de esta experiencia, que, además, será el último rodaje del cineasta.
Juntos es demasiado
Clémentine y Sébastien son una pareja desbordada por el trabajo y los hijos. Además, la madre de Sébastien, tras descubrir que su marido le es infiel, decide mudarse con ellos.
The Wolberg Family
Daniel, l'homme blond
He can deliver a breathtaking speech on the American soul to flabbergasted schoolboys, get mixed up in the private lives of his citizens, and even get his 18-year-old daughter to swear that never, but never, would she leave home. Meet Simon Wolberg, mayor of a small provincial city, madly in love with his wife, an interfering father and provocative son. This man is driven by an obsession with his family. Which leads him to test the force and fragility of these bonds.
À l'aventure
Una mujer sexualmente insatisfecha decidirá experimentar nuevas formas de alcanzar el placer.
Bienvenido al mundo de LOL
Relato de las complejas relaciones de una chica de 16 años con su madre y con sus burgueses compañeros de clase en un instituto parisino. LOL son las siglas de “Laughing Out Loud” (reirse a carcajadas) en la jerga de Internet. Y así llaman a Lola sus amigos. Sin embargo, el primer día de curso, después del verano, Lola no tiene ganas de reírse: su amigo Arthur la provoca diciéndole que la ha engañado durante las vacaciones. Lola cree estar enamorada de él, su madre se ve en secreto con su ex marido mientras coquetea con un policía. Además, parece que alguien ha encontrado el diario de Lola y lo ha leído.
Cash es un estafador que lo tiene todo: encanto, elegancia, atrevimiento... y hasta apego a la familia. Por eso cuando a su hermano le quita la vida un mal perdedor Cash decide vengarle a su manera: sin armas ni violencia, con estilo. Pero tampoco es momento de dar ningún golpe: Cash está a punto de conocer a su futuro suegro y su pandilla está vigiladísima por la policía. Tendrá pues que arreglárselas para hacer de "yerno ejemplar" y montar un golpe por todo lo alto sin despertar sospechas. Ya que cualquier estafador, por hábil que sea, acaba midiéndose con otro que le supera. Cuando las cosas se ponen feas, todo el mundo miente, inventa o se hace pasar por otra persona, los cómplices pasan a traidores y los traidores a cómplices. Lo único cierto es que al final siempre aparece algún palomo...
Notre univers impitoyable
Maître Victor Bandini
Victor y Margot son pareja y ambos son abogados y trabajan en un bufete. Un día se encuentran con que los dos están compitiendo para el mismo puesto, y ello comienza a afectar a su relación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Two Lives Plus One
David Klein
Everyone knows that Eliane Weiss is dedicated in everything she does, from her husband, to her daughter and pupils. But not everyone knows that she longs for more - more time for her, more fun, more thrills. So when she decides to start working on her passion, writing, and incidentally meets an attractive publisher, everyone is taken by surprise. As their seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart, everyone will have to readjust to the new Eliane Weiss.
13,99 euros
Charlie Dagout
París, Francia, 2001. Octave Parango, un joven creativo de publicidad que trabaja en la agencia Ross & Witchcraft, vive una existencia suicida, gobernada por el cinismo, la irresponsabilidad y el libertinaje. Los obstáculos que encontrará en el desarrollo de una campaña para una nueva marca de yogurt le obligarán a plantearse cuál es el significado de su trabajo y la forma en que maneja su relación con aquellos que orbitan en torno a su egoísta estilo de vida.
El romance de Astrea y Celadón
Rohmer adapta al cine la más loca historia de amor de la literatura barroca del siglo XVII, "L’Astrée", de Honoré d’Urfé (1607-1628). La intriga, que se sitúa en un bosque maravilloso, en la Galia de los druidas del siglo V, relata los amores del pastor Céladon (Andy Gillet) y de la bella Astrée (Stéphanie de Crayencour). Convencida de la infidelidad de Céladon, Astrée lo abandona. El joven, desesperado, intenta suicidarse, pero es salvado, sin que Astrée lo sepa, por las ninfas.
Jean de La Fontaine, le défi
Louis XIV
A look at the world of acting: is it possible to go from the shadows to the limelight without losing one's soul?
A look at the world of acting: is it possible to go from the shadows to the limelight without losing one's soul?
Jacquou the Rebel
Le Comte de Nansac
In 1815, young Jacquou lives an idyllic peasant life with his parents in the Périgord region of France. But one day, his childhood happiness is cruelly ended when his father is arrested, after a dispute with the arrogant Count de Nansac. With both his parents dead, Jacquou is adopted by Bonal, a kind priest, under whose influence he grows into an assured, morally upright young man. Now an adult, Jacquou has one desire. To repay the Count de Nansac for the evil he once inflicted on his parents...
Basada en la historia real de Robert Baer (George Clooney), un agente de la CIA que se pasó toda su vida trabajando para la Agencia en Oriente Medio e investigando casos de terrorismo. Por su experiencia en Beirut en los turbulentos años ochenta, lo envían allí para realizar una compleja misión en la que están implicadas dos empresas petrolíferas americanas a punto de fusionarse, una investigación de la agencia federal estadounidense y un analista (Matt Damon) del sector de la energía con sede en Suiza.
El imperio de los lobos
Paul Nerteaux
Anna Hermes, esposa de un alto cargo del Ministerio del Interior, sufre desde hace un mes alucinaciones terroríficas y periódicas crisis de amnesia, llegando a no reconocer siquiera el rostro de su marido e incluso comenzando a dudar de su honestidad. Al mismo tiempo, en el barrio turco de París, aparecen los cadáveres sádicamente mutilados de tres inmigrantes clandestinas. El carácter ritual que parecen tener los crímenes obliga a Paul Nerteaux, el inexperto policía encargado del caso, a recurrir a Schiffer, un veterano en el dique seco por su dudosa trayectoria moral, pero perspicaz y buen conocedor de la comunidad turca de París. La caza no ha hecho más que comenzar...
A short film about a lazy boyfriend and a dominant girlfriend.
Grande école
Un grupo de jóvenes entra en una de las "Grande École" que forman a los futuros dirigentes y abren las puertas al poder. Son la flor y nata estudiantil y, si se cumplen las previsiones, se convertirán en la élite del mañana. Pero, a menudo, la vida nos gana en imaginación. Porque a grandes escuelas, grandes amores, difíciles de vivir, por cierto. Con la confusión del ego y del juego, de los sentimientos, del espíritu y de la carne, se tambalean los principios y los jóvenes tendrán que contar consigo mismos, ser lo que son y darse cuenta de que la Gran Escuela quizás no sea la que lleva este nombre.
Sans elle...
Johnny, aged 20, can't live without Fanfan, his twin sister. There is a very particular intimacy between them. They walk together everywhere, share the same room, the same tastes, the same bike, the same camping tent. But also a conflict principle sets in. Oppressed by his overbearing need, she decides to head for the south of Portugal, the country of their parents. His dreams are shattered; he feels deeply betrayed by his sister. Caught between his father who is preparing to retire to Portugal and his mother who refuses to leave France, he tries to work out his own identity. His passion for rock music gets him involved with his sister's former lover. By following this charismatic leader preaching dubious ideology, he risks losing his "gentle half" forever. Meanwhile in Portugal, she becomes disillusioned. Will they manage to grow up without each other?
The Overeater
Marc Brisset
Séléna is chief of the Marseille police. Respected and feared by his men, his sole enemy seems to be himself, along with his 300 pounds. Strangled by the bursting straight-jacket of his body, tortured by his past, he leads a solitary life in a large isolated house. Séléna is the only person who knows that Elsa was guilty of the murder of her uncle, a wealthy shipowner. Fascinated by the young woman’s beauty, he offers her a strange deal: in exchange for his silence, he demands that she dines with him every night for a year.
Alain, de origen magrebí, vive con el recuerdo de su hermana, secuestrado ante él por un grupo neonazi mientras eran niños. A esto se suma el asesinato de su mejor amigo por el jefe de seguridad de "La Liga Patriótica", un poderoso partido de extrema derecha. Alain decide, al mismo tiempo, por venganza personal y por convicción política, asesinar a Hugues Henry Lègle, el líder de este movimiento.
Benoit turns 13 and develops an intense crush on his godmother, Marion. As they lie on beaches in the summer, she humors him by talking about the mysteries of women.
Nadia Coupeau, dite Nana
Philippe Muffat
Victim of a rape, Nadia Coupeau decides to keep the child despite her precarious personal situation. But her child is soon taken away from her and placed in public care. Desperate, but ready to do anything to get him back, she decides to join her friend Zoé in the capital... In this version freely inspired by Emile Zola's work, Nana's trajectory is a cross-section of contemporary society, from the jungle of the suburbs to the golden world of business.
Le prof
A teacher uses new methods to captivate his audience. Some kids take it too far, some colleagues are worried traditional ways are going to be lost... but eventually, everything turns out OK.
Passionate about the singer Elvis Costello, Ulysses works every Saturday at a gas station in the middle of nowhere to pay for his meteorology studies. Shy and suffering from stagnation when confronted with a conflict situation, he does not respond to the insistent advances of Marie, who lives across the street. At the same time, Anton and Mirek, two English gangsters, are combing all the gas stations in the area in search of a loot hidden in the toilets.
Le Martien
Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.
La banquise
French Guard (uncredited)
Inglaterra 1554. Tras la muerte de la reina María Tudor, que ha dejado al país sumido en un estado de inestabilidad financiera y crisis religiosa, sube al trono Isabel I (Cate Blanchett). Popularmente se la conoce como "La Reina Virgen", aunque por su participación en el reparto del botín obtenido tras los ataques de Drake a las costas españolas, tanto peninsulares como coloniales, es también conocida como "La Reina Pirata".
La fin de la nuit
Le jeune mec
A woman and two young homosexuals spend a hectic late night.
1936. Rafael, son of a Spanish nobleman, leaves the French Catholic institution where he was resident, recalled in his country by his father. Senior officer in Franco's army, it is that his son is involved in the civil war that tore Spain. Before joining the front, Rafael is assigned to a unit whose main mission is to take care of prisoners and execute subversive elements. The garrison was commanded by Colonel Masagual, a friend's father Rafael. Very old regime , the colonel who lives openly with his homosexuality Casado, his aide, is an ambiguous character, melancholy and cynical lucidity.
El petit Marguery
Un restaurante parisino cierra sus puertas tras permanecer varias décadas abiertas. Su última cena estará compuesta por amigos, familia, vecinos y clientes.
Louis, the Child King
Philippe Duc d'Anjou
History buffs will glory in the riches of Louis, Enfant Roi, others will perhaps find this complex story of intrigues and betrayals in the court of the young king tough sledding. When Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715) was born, the power of government was shared between the monarchy, the church, the nobility, and the Parlement. His predecessor had greatly centralized the powers of government following the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Louis XIV (often called "The Sun King" for the brilliance of his rule) followed the advice of Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin (Paolo Graziosi), and brought the powers of government under the sole sway of the monarch. He expanded the territory and influence of France in a series of wars throughout his reign. How he came to be so autocratic and ruthless both personally and politically is the subject of this biographical drama.
En Solitaire
Taking advantage of his girlfriend's absence, young Seb tries to watch the porn of the month on Canal+.This ultimately proves more difficult than expected.