John Russell


El doctor Frankenstein
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
The Sea God
The Sea God is an early sound melodrama about two men vying for Fay Wray and wealth in the South Pacific.
Girl of the Port
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
El pagano de Tahití
Henry, el hijo pagano de un padre blanco y madre nativa, ha heredado la tierra y una tienda, pero él prefiere la vida sencilla. Cuando se enamora de una chica nativa, su tutor, que está tratando de educarla como un 'buen' cristiano, pero que también la desea, conspira para mantenerlos separados.
God Gave Me Twenty Cents
The story concerns the misadventures of sailor Steve Doren, who tries his best to support his wife Mary on his piddling income. But like seafaring men everywhere, Steve is constitutionally unreliable, especially when hip-swinging temptress Cassie Lang sashays into view.
The Sorrows of Satan
Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan.
Beau Geste
Michael "Beau" Geste leaves England in disgrace and joins the infamous French Foreign Legion. He is reunited with his two brothers in North Africa, where they face greater danger from their own sadistic commander than from the rebellious Arabs.
Lord Jim
Because he deserted his ship and passengers during a collision at sea, a ship's mate loses his certification. Unable to find work at sea, he takes a job at a trading post, and eventually works his way up to managing the business. He falls in love with the owner's daughter, and shares leadership of the local village with the son of the Rajah. One day, however, a band of pirates attacks the village, and the man is astonished to see that the pirates are none other than the tyrannical captain of his former ship and his crew.
The Crowded Hour
Telephone operator Peggy, puts on an act with Matt Wilde at a Bowery amateur night and is seen by Billy Laidlaw, who becomes convinced of her talents. Billy subsequently arranges for the Broadway debut of the act and falls in love with Peggy, who wholeheartedly returns his affection. When the World War breaks out, Billy remains unconcerned until his younger brother is killed in action. Billy then immediately enlists and is sent to France; Peggy joins the Red Cross to be with him, and Grace Laidlaw, Billy's wife, also goes to France, working with the Y. M. C. A. Billy is assigned to destroy an ammunition dump, and Peggy learns, after he has left on the mission, that he has been recalled.
Argentine Love
Scenario Writer
While his daughter, Consuelo, is visiting the United States, Emanuel García, the Mayor of Alcorta in the Argentine, arranges for her marriage to Juan Martin, in return for Martin's financial assistance. On her return, Consuelo, who is in love with Philip Sears, an American engineer working in Argentina, refuses Juan but gives no reason. Juan is furious with outraged pride and soon kills Rafael Cornejo, the son of a senator, when he flirts with Consuelo.
El caballo de hierro
Considerada la mejor película de la época muda de John Ford, un western alrededor del ferrocarril y el espíritu pionero de los Estados Unidos de América. El presidente Lincoln ha autorizado la construcción de un enlace entre las líneas ferroviarias de la Union Pacific y la Central Pacific. Un contratista (Will Walling) y un topógrafo (George O´Brien) emprenden viaje con el objetivo de trazar la ruta idónea, pero, aunque logran localizar un paso montañoso que permitiría el establecimiento de una conexión mucho más rápida de lo que se había esperado, el riesgo de que los nativos ataquen a los trabajadores amenaza con dar al traste con el ambicioso proyecto.
Mademoiselle Midnight
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.
The Exiles
Finding herself accused of a murder she didn't commit, Alice Carroll flees to Tangier, Morocco. District Attorney Henry Holcombe, meanwhile, has discovered that she is actually innocent and sets out to search for her. He finds her in Tanger, but she is under the influence of the shady Wilhelm von Linke, who owns a seedy gambling den. Complications ensue.
Where the Pavement Ends
South Seas romantic drama. This is a lost Silent film, that no negative of or print materials from are known to exist.