Clarence Kolster

Nacimiento : 1895-09-06, Plattsburgh, New York, USA

Muerte : 1972-05-06


Quince balas
Después de haber esquivado a un pelotón, un hombre perseguido rescata a una mujer y a su hijo de un ataque comanche. Luego los escolta hasta un fuerte de la caballería de los EE.UU. Pero, antes, durante el viaje surgen problemas porque la mujer sospecha que su salvador es el responsable de la muerte de su marido.
Shoot-Out At Medicine Bend
In Medicine Bend, a crooked businessman has the town mayor and sheriff in his pocket while his henchmen raid the wagon trains passing through the region.
Colinas ardientes
Trace Jordan trabaja como cuidador de ganado para Sutton, un propietario de numerosas reses. Una tarde encuentra a su hermano Johnny muerto, con un disparo en la espalda. Cuando descubre que ha sido asesinado, intenta pedir ayuda al ejército. (FILMAFFINITY)
El llanero solitario
El gobernador cuenta con la ayuda del Llanero Solitario para investigar los misteriosos ataques a los colonos blancos por los nativos americanos.
He muerto miles de veces
Remake del film "High Sierra" de Raoul Walsh. Un hombre que acaba de salir de la cárcel planea un gran golpe que le permitiría retirarse para siempre del mundo de la delincuencia. Sin embargo, no había contado con ciertas circunstancias que dificultarán su proyecto.
Tambores de guerra
En 1870, unos años después de la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, U. Grant, confía a Johnny McKay (Alan Ladd) la misión de llevar la paz al sur de Oregón, donde una tribu india dirigida por el capitán Jack (Bronson) ha abandonado la reserva arrasándolo todo a su paso.
El cazador de recompensas
Jim Kipp (Randolph Scott) es un cazador de recompensas contratado por la agencia Pinkerton para apresar a unos ladrones de trenes que en el último asalto robaron un gran botín y dejaron tres muertos y varios heridos. Siguiéndoles los pasos, Kipp llega a Twin Forks, donde nadie parece saber nada de los bandidos. Para descubrirlos, Kipp hace correr la voz de que espera por correo un retrato del jefe de la banda; entonces todos empiezan a ponerse nerviosos.
The System
John Merrick (Frank Lovejoy) dirige un sindicato de corredores de apuestas. El periódico local ha iniciado una cruzada contra él y su organización, fundamentalmente porque Merrick está enamorado de Felice Stuart (Joan Weldon), hija del editor del periódico, quien no ha logrado romper el romance entre ambos. Ante las continuas denuncias del diario, una comisión del Senado comienza a investigar los negocios de Merrick y de la organización, así que deciden asesinar al periodista. El hijo de Merrick, ignorante hasta ese momento de los asuntos de su padre, no puede aguantar la situación...
Guantes grises
egunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El Teniente Coronel Peter Ortiz, un oficial americano que fue también miembro activo de la Resistencia francesa, es injustamente acusado del asesinato de un líder de esta organización, pero no podrá limpiar su nombre por encontrarse inmerso en una importante misión secreta. Basada en hechos reales.
La ley de la fuerza
California, año 1900. Jim Fallon, un hombre sin escrúpulos que trabaja en una explotación forestal, y su amigo Yukon Baurns llegan a la tierra de las grandes secuoyas. El propósito de Fallon es estafar a los empobrecidos granjeros que acaban de enterarse de que las reclamaciones que han hecho de sus tierras carecen de validez.
Fort Worth
Ned Britt (Randolph Scott), un ex pistolero que dirige el pequeño periódico de su ciudad, teme que deba volver a empuñar las armas cuando una banda de forajidos llega a la intentando tomar el control. Brito está influenciado por dos personas, Blair Lunsford (David Brian), viejo amigo y antiguo compañero en su época de pistolero y Flora Talbot (PhyllisThaxter), su última novia. (FILMAFFINITY)
The lawless west had never met a gun-throwing gent like...
Aviso de tormenta
La modelo Marsha Mitchel aprovecha un descanso para visitar a su hermana pequeña recién casada, Lucy Rice, pero al llegar le sorprende descubrir lo poco sociables que son los ciudadanos e incluso el taxista se niega a llevarla a su destino, por lo que se vé obligada a ir andando de noche hasta el centro donde su hermana trabaja. Por el camino es testigo en secreto de un linchamiento y asesinato, finalmente huye y cuenta a Lucy lo que vió. Su hermana sospecha que la victima es un reportero que habia condenado al Ku Klux Klan.
Dallas, ciudad fronteriza
Acabada la guerra de Secesión, un oficial del ejército del sur, que está reclamado por la ley por haber formado parte de las bandas guerrilleras de Quantrill, llega a la ciudad de Dallas, en Texas, siguiendo la pista de los hermanos Marlow, los que, en su ausencia, asesinaron a su familia, y expoliaron sus propiedades en Georgia.
Dos fugitivos tratan de probar que el jefe de un campamento minero es un asesino.
Always Leave Them Laughing
La historia de Kip, un comediante que triunfa en televisión, contada en un largo flash-back desde que era un joven con gracia, pero a quien nadie conocía. En su trayectoria surge la tentación de robar chistes, aplastar a quien haga falta, y dejar de pasar de largo el amor. ¿Logrará nuestro hombre sobreponerse a todo esto? Film inspirado en un número de una revista musical, cuenta la típica historia del hombre al que los oropeles de la fama le hacen desviarse del buen camino, al menos por un tiempo. Milton Berle, él mismo un actor cómico que puede entender bien a su personaje, tuvo por una vez un papel protagonista.
Al sur de San Luis
Película Western dirigida por Ray Enright en 1949. Con la llegada de la Guerra Civil Americana, tres socios de un rancho ven como éste se destruye. Necesitados de dinero, se incorporarán a las tropas confederadas, cada uno por sus particulares motivaciones.
La emboscada fatal
Linda inicia una relación amorosa con un tipo bastante peligroso. No es precisamente el yerno que toda mujer quisiera tener dada su actividad delictiva. Los secuaces del tipo deciden tomar prestado el coche de Linda para cometer un asesinato, por lo que la joven se encuentra con la policía detrás. Pero en vez de cooperar con las autoridades decide que el mundo del crimen tiene cierto atractivo e intenta sacarle partido.
La mujer de blanco
Un joven pintor se encuentra con extraños personajes en una finca inglesa donde ha sido contratado para dar clases de arte a la bella Laura Fairlie. Entre ellos están Anne Catherick, una joven extraña vestida de blanco a la que encuentra en el bosque y que tiene un parecido sorprendente con Laura; el astuto conde Fosco, que espera obtener una herencia para el noble Sir Percival Glyde, quien planea casarse con Laura; Mr. Fairlie, un hipocondríaco que no soporta que nadie haga el menor ruido y la excéntrica condesa Fosco, que tiene su propio secreto oscuro. El artista también se ve atraído por Marion Halcomb, para quien el conde también tiene sus propios planes.
Nunca huyas de mí
Venecia 1900. Cuando Fenella se entera de que su prometido, el compositor Caryl Dubrok, está viviendo con Gemma, una madre soltera, rompe su compromiso. En un viaje a los Alpes conoce a otro compositor llamado Sebastian Dubrok; ignora que es el hermano de Caryl y el hombre con quien vive Gemma. Se enamora de él, pero no puede evitar que se case con Gemma. Al volver a Inglaterra, se compromete otra vez con Caryl, pero el ballet que le dedica Sebastian hará que no pueda olvidar su amor por él.
Cautivo del deseo
Philip, un médico aficionado a la pintura, se enamora locamente de una camarera, pero ella lo rechaza. Éste será el punto de partida de muchas desdichas.
Make Your Own Bed
A Walter y a Vivian les cuesta conservar la servidumbre. Walter contrata a un detective privado y a su prometida para que trabajen con él, con la excusa de que espías nazis la han tomado con él, por ser fabricante de municiones. Cuando aparezcan los verdaderos espías, empezarán los líos de verdad...
The Mysterious Doctor
Los ciudadanos de una aldea de Cornualles se ven atormentados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial por un fantasma decapitado que ha embrujado una mina cercana.
Thieves Fall Out
Eddie Barnes, tired of being a nobody and living with his parents, decides to cash in his mother's legacy and use the money to buy a business. Unfortunately, Eddie's mother has to die before the broker can collect the full value of the policy and the broker's gangster partner doesn't want to wait for nature to take its course.
River's End
An escaped criminal pretends to be a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in order to prove his innocence of murder. Star Dennis Morgan plays two roles.
An Angel from Texas
A pair of slick Broadway producers con a wealthy cowboy into backing their show.
Brother Rat and a Baby
Three comrades graduate from Viriginia Military Institute. Bing has a chance to return to VMI as a football coach.
Hell's Kitchen
A paroled convict's efforts to improve conditions at a boys' reform school alarm the school's corrupt warden, who has been embezzling funds from the institution. He hatches a plan to derail the reformed convict's efforts and have him sent back to prison, and part of that scheme involves cracking down hard on the reform school's inmates.
Going Places
A sports store clerk poses as a famous jockey as an advertising stunt, but gets more than he bargained for.
Cuatro son multitud
La reportera Jean Christy trabaja para un periódico que está a punto de quebrar debido a las desavenencias entre Pat Buckley, el propietario, y Robert Lansford, el editor jefe. Mientras tanto, Lansford, que aspira a trabajar para otro director, le hace publicidad en el periódico de Buckley con el fin de ganarse así su confianza.
En busca del oro
Terminado el periodo de la fiebre del oro en California, empezó la rivalidad entre granjeros y mineros en el valle de Sacramento. El Coronel Chris Ferris (Claude Rains), un rico agricultor, se opone firmemente a la minería hidráulica, un nuevo método desarrollado en los años 70, durante la fiebre del oro, porque está inundando las tierras de cultivo más prósperas de la región. A pesar de la postura de Ferris, Jared Whitney (George Brent), un ingeniero de minas del Este, no sólo se hace amigo del hijo del coronel (Tim Holt), sino que además se enamora de Serena (Olivia de Havilland), la bella hija De Ferris.
Sh! The Octopus
Comedy-mystery finds Detectives Kelly and Dempsey trapped in a deserted lighthouse with a group of strangers who are being terrorized by a killer octopus AND a mysterious crime figure named after the title sea creature.
Back in Circulation
Morning Express ace reporter 'Timmy' Blake uses her wiles and charms to get the scoop on rival papers, and keep her editor happy. When the Express gets a tip that a wealthy old man was poisoned and 'Timmy' spots the young widow in a nightclub only a day later, she descends on the town where the death took place to dig out the facts. When her reporting results in the arrest of the young widow, 'Timmy' continues to dig, since she isn't quite convinced that the facts she reported cover all the angles.
Empty Holsters
Ace owns just about everything around except for the Bank, which is owned by John Ware. Ace also has his eye on Judy, but Judy only has eyes for Clay. Since Ace is a crook, he holds up the stage and has his cronies swear that Clay was the bandit which gets Clay 10 years in jail. After he gets out in 5 for good behavior, Clay sets out to find who framed him and stole the stage strongbox. Since the sheriff does not like Clay, he takes his guns away as part of his probation and it makes Clay a target for the Ace gang.
Hot Money
Salesman develops a fake stock plan in new invention before it is finished.
Brides Are Like That
Fred, the wealthy owner of apple groves, has sent his nephew to college, but the only job that his nephew has after graduating is the job of not working. Bill is a dreamer, a talker and a golf player and he has a lot of ideas, but still lives off Fred. When Hazel gets engaged to Doc Jenkins, it takes a while, but Bill talks her into marrying him instead. The only problem is that now, he needs to find a job.
Miss Pacific Fleet
A down-on-her-luck showgirl sets her eyes on the cash prize that comes with winning the title "Miss Pacific Fleet".
Special Agent
Newspaperman Bill Bradford becomes a special agent for the tax service trying to end the career of racketeer Nick Carston. Julie Gardner is Carston's bookkeeper. Bradford enters Carston's organization and Julie cooperates with him to land Carston in jail. An informer squeals on them. Julie is kidnapped by Carston's henchmen as she is about to testify
Mary Jane's Pa
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
The St. Louis Kid
Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an boycott action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and Kennedy is arrested once more. He leaves jail at night to meet Ann, but meanwhile the owner has asked some mobsters to deliver the milk. One of the farmers is murdered, Ann Reid is missing and Eddie Kennedy is accused of murder.
Havana Widows
Two golddiggers go fishing for millionaires in Havana.
El caserón de las sombras
Debido a una tormenta, unos viajeros que pretenden llegar en automóvil a Shrewsbury, se ven obligados a refugiarse en un viejo caserón. Los habitantes del lugar, dos hermanos y un mayordomo mudo, les dan cobijo, pero la casa encierra algunos misterios.
The Doomed Battalion
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
The Impatient Maiden
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
El doctor Frankenstein
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
Waterloo Bridge
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.
El desierto pintado
Jeff y Cash encuentran un bebé, y es Cash quien decide hacerse cargo de él. Con el paso del tiempo los dos amigos llegan a ser propietarios de dos ranchos vecinos, pero entre ellos surgen problemas: la hermosa hija Jeff es uno de ellos (FILMAFFINITY)
Wings of Adventure
Dave Kent, a commercial aviator, and his mechanic, Skeets Smith, are forced to make an emergency landing in Mexico and find themselves in the hands of La Panthera, a notorious bandit who wishes to overthrow the government and become president of a new republic. Manuel, his chief henchman, obliges them to collect the booty in a robbery, but Kent manages to meet María Valdez, a prisoner--held for marriage to the insurgent leader--who implores his aid. Kent and Skeets are arrested for the robbery and sentenced to death.
Sunny Skies
Story of a football hero whose temper and drinking threaten his spot on the team, and his romantic life. His naive comical roommate remains his steadfast supporter.
Peacock Alley
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
A Dog of the Regiment
During World War I, Rin-Tin-Tin finds that he must rescue his master, a fighter pilot, from his wrecked aircraft. He also has to help him escape his rival, who has ordered him shot so he can have the girl they're competing for all to himself.
La ninfa del circo
Alicia, a circus artist, deserts her husband and child to elope with Underwood, her handsome lover. Fifteen years later, Annie Martin, Alicia's deserted daughter, is a trapeze performer in a sideshow at Coney Island, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Chubb, and has married Howard Jeffries in spite of opposition by his wealthy parents. Jeffries, Sr., hires a man (Underwood) to separate the young couple. Underwood convinces the newlyweds that each is being unfaithful to the other, and consequently, he is threatened by Howard. Driven to fury by Underwood's uncontrollable demands, Alicia shoots him in a quarrel and makes her escape just as Howard enters; despite his innocence, Howard confesses to the crime when subjected to the third degree. Annie, realizing her mother's guilt, claims to be guilty, but Alicia then confesses. Annie is saved from suicide by Howard, and they are united by love.
Broken Hearts of Hollywood
Virginia Perry, a former movie star, leaves her family and returns to Hollywood to make a comeback, but age has taken its toll and she is cast in small character roles. Meanwhile, her daughter, Betty Ann, has won a beauty contest, and heads for Hollywood. They end up in the same, film, with Mom playing her Mom. Marshall tries to take advantage of the naive Betty. Somebody gets shot. Somebody is put on trial.
The Night Cry
A giant condor decimates a herd of sheep, and Rin-Tin-Tin is accused of having turned killer.
Hogan's Alley
Lefty O'Brien, a pugilist, becomes engaged to ex-tomboy Patsy Ryan against the wishes of her father, Michael. They both live in an Irish-Jewish neighborhood on New York's East Side known as "Hogan's Alley." Lefty defeats Battling Savage for the championship, breaking his left hand and leaving his opponent close to death.
Clash of the Wolves
A fire in the mountains drive a wolf pack into the nearby desert where they terrorize the local residents. The leader of the wolf pack is Lobo, actually a halfbreed (Rin Tin Tin). When the pack is discovered hunting a herd of cows, a posse gives chase. Lobo leaves his pack to lead the posse away. He is injured and found by a local prospector, Dave Weston (Charles Farrell). The prospector nurses Lobo back to health and the two become close friends. Meanwhile, Weston has made a Borax find in the area. His girl friend May Barstowe (June Marlowe), daughter of a wealthy rancher, is pleased. However the local chemist, Borax Horton (Pat Hartigan), actually a claim jumper, plans to steal the claim.
The Lighthouse by the Sea
Assistant Director
A lighthouse keeper and his daughter are in trouble on two fronts--if the authorities find out he is going blind they will remove him, and a gang of liquor-smugglers is trying to destroy the lighthouse so they can land their illegal cargo on shore without being spotted.
Conductor 1492
A young Irish immigrant gets a job as a conductor on a streetcar and fights off an attempt by crooks to take over the company, all the while pursuing the boss' beautiful daughter.
The Country Kid
Ben Applegate's father dies, leaving him and his brothers Joe and Andy orphans and having to run the family farm. Their Uncle Grimes is their legal guardian, but he's only concerned with getting his hands on the farm. He has Ben declared incompetent and packs off Joe and Andy to an orphanage. When things look darkest for the three boys, help comes from an unexpected source.
The Printer's Devil
Brick Hubbard, a "printer's devil", convinces his friend Sid Fletcher to invest in "The Gazette", a local newspaper. Sid pens an editorial that infuriates Ira Gates, a local banker and a power in the town--and who also happens to be the father of Vivian Gates, whom Sidney is in love with. To complicate matters, the bank is robbed and Sidney is suspected of the crime.
Rags to Riches
A rich young boy has to prove his worth to the gang he has just joined by during all sorts of hardships, including a kidnap attempt, before they'll accept him. -from