Sonnell Dadral


The Blue Tower
Dark thriller about a young British man of Indian origin who finds himself trapped in a loveless marriage. Unemployed, he spends his days driving his car, hanging out with a motley crew of listless friends and visiting his wealthy old aunt's house - where he eventually starts an illicit affair with the aunt's young care worker. As hopes of a job and of improvement in his personal circumstances recede further, he resolves to take drastic measures to change the course of his life.
Basada en la historia real de Robert Baer (George Clooney), un agente de la CIA que se pasó toda su vida trabajando para la Agencia en Oriente Medio e investigando casos de terrorismo. Por su experiencia en Beirut en los turbulentos años ochenta, lo envían allí para realizar una compleja misión en la que están implicadas dos empresas petrolíferas americanas a punto de fusionarse, una investigación de la agencia federal estadounidense y un analista (Matt Damon) del sector de la energía con sede en Suiza.
Zombies Party
La vida de Shaun es un callejón sin salida. Se pasa la vida en la taberna local con su amigo íntimo Ed, discute con su madre y descuida a su novia, Liz. Cuando Liz le deja plantado. Shaun decide, finalmente, poner su vida en orden. Tiene que reconquistar el corazón de su novia, enmendar sus relaciones con su madre y enfrentarse a las responsabilidades de un adulto.
Kiss of Life
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.