Production Accountant
Tinseltown has its movers and shakers, but they all first started somewhere as The Assistants in Hollywood. The Assistants is a new movie opening December 3. It's a story about a group of Hollywood assistants who use their positions to lie, con, and blackmail their way into producing their own movie. Though it's funny, certainly, there's also great truth in it. In the film, all these twentysomethings - wannabe actors, writers, directors, craftsmen, etc. - yearn, dream, hope and pray to one day be a success in the film business like those they work for and see all around them. Be careful what you wish for - particularly in Hollywood.
Production Accountant
Un veterano asesino a sueldo está en México para acabar con el líder de un cártel de la droga. Este narcotraficante también es objetivo por parte del gobierno de EE.UU. y evitar que se alíe con unos productores de heroína afganos que quieren emplear la ruta de entrada de la droga a los Estados Unidos para introducir otro tipo de mercancía. Y dentro del cartel, el liderazgo empieza a ser cuestionado por su número dos y por el antiguo líder, hoy enfermo y retirado del negocio.