Fynnlugh Greenfield-Brown


Spider in the Attic
Un mortífero nido de arañas acecha en el ático - Y el nido está a punto de ser despertado por una reportera de noticias y sus colegas
Amityville Scarecrow
A summer camp that is about to open to unwitting guests. However, there is something evil that lurks on the land.
The Mutation
Sound Recordist
Se ha soltado una rata mutada en una ciudad.
Cannibal Troll
Un grupo de amigos en un viaje de campamento, para que la novia sea la despedida de soltera, se encuentran perseguidos por un troll caníbal devorador de hombres en el bosque. Son cazados, capturados y encerrados en la cámara de tortura de los Trolls y se ven obligados a someterse a una variedad de desafíos para escapar de su destino.
Sound Recordist
A character-driven comedy drama about neighbourliness and class divisions (or lack thereof); Invincible follows Emily and Oliver – a liberal, middle-class couple from the South of England – who move up North to live a cheaper life as the 2012 recession hits, and raise their children among what they term as “real people”. There, they invite their neighbours round for drinks where the evening turns to debates about war, art and football. A microcosm for the wider discussion on class politics and world views.