Sound Designer
Mircea, a 30-year-old man from a small Transylvanian town fails the judicial admission exam in Bucharest. He has no choice but to return home and live with his parents. He is forced to get a job in a waste collector company owned by a rich local politician. But things get complicated when Mircea starts working for the boss's wife.
Boom Operator
Cuando su novio yonqui acaba en la cárcel, los padres de Daria la llevan a rehabilitación para que deje la heroína y vuelva a ser una buena hija. Dentro de la clínica, su aparente inocencia le hace ganarse la protección de los drogadictos, en su mayoría hombres, pero pronto descubre que este trato especial tiene un alto precio.
Several residents discover an unconscious woman lying in front of the block. Even though she lives on the third floor, nobody knows her name. While waiting for rescue, the neighbours reflect on her life and their own.
Boom Operator
Ivana invita a amigos, familiares y ex-amantes a interpretar en un guión la historia de una mujer al borde de un ataque de nervios. En la frontera del Danubio, el drama se convierte en una comedia
Salix Caprea (“Goat Willow” tree) is the type of tree that was supposed to cover a large meadow area in a small village in the Republic of Moldova. As part of a donation from foreign investors, a couple of thousands of trees were planted by the Americans. After a couple of years, during a visit along with delegation from the state, they wanted to see the growth of the trees. In a comedic investigation, the mayor and the police officer discovered the area all empty and the “goat willow” trees were all gone, eaten by…the goats.
Sound Designer
Salix Caprea (“Goat Willow” tree) is the type of tree that was supposed to cover a large meadow area in a small village in the Republic of Moldova. As part of a donation from foreign investors, a couple of thousands of trees were planted by the Americans. After a couple of years, during a visit along with delegation from the state, they wanted to see the growth of the trees. In a comedic investigation, the mayor and the police officer discovered the area all empty and the “goat willow” trees were all gone, eaten by…the goats.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Accompanied by her three children and her husband, Marina pays a visit to her sister Ioana to tell her she is pregnant again, but this time the pregnancy is not an ordinary one. She went to the doctor for the medical investigations and there is one thing and only one which is not right... What decision will she make?
Sound Mixer
Accompanied by her three children and her husband, Marina pays a visit to her sister Ioana to tell her she is pregnant again, but this time the pregnancy is not an ordinary one. She went to the doctor for the medical investigations and there is one thing and only one which is not right... What decision will she make?
Sound Designer
Accompanied by her three children and her husband, Marina pays a visit to her sister Ioana to tell her she is pregnant again, but this time the pregnancy is not an ordinary one. She went to the doctor for the medical investigations and there is one thing and only one which is not right... What decision will she make?