Miranda, a mermaid obsessed internet personality known for her quirky makeup tutorials, has placed an ad for a production assistant. Todd, the first of many to respond, has been chosen for an interview. Miranda films the interview process under the premise that she’d like her audience to connect with the person she chooses as well. During the interview, things get stranger and stranger, and the day quickly unravels into something Todd could have never expected.
Self - Tim Foley's girlfriend
Es como un western clásico en el siglo XXI, enfrentando a los vigilantes a ambos lados de la frontera contra los cárteles de la droga mexicanos. Con un acceso sin precedentes, esta película provoca preguntas profundas sobre la anarquía, la ruptura del orden, y si sólo queda para los ciudadanos tomar las armas para luchar contra la violencia con violencia.
Based on stories from the best selling books Don't Let Them In and Still the Shadows. Six friends, on their annual camping trip, are having the time of their lives, enjoying the lake, roasting marshmallows, and telling scary stories around the fire. As the night goes on, four gruesome stories are shared... the story of Mike and Kathy, a young couple who has come to ease their ailing aunt's transition to better living... or so they say... the tale of Jake and Amy, who get more than they bargained for on a romantic getaway turned nightmare... the story of a vengeful spider, on a mission of terror... and the tale of siblings, Sam and Emily, who have developed an insatiable appetite for human flesh. As the night grows darker, and the tales grow stranger, the friends begin to realize that some stories should be left untold.