Art Direction
Macho Beta is a comedy solo show where Víctor Medina - Nanutria, a Venezuelan comedian who has shot in several Latin American countries, tells us about his journeys throughout his 30 years. He tells us about his adventures as a migrant and everything he has learned from the different countries he has visited, he also tells us about how difficult it is for a millennial to face adult life and how not all men in the world have the wood to be males alphas reminding us that you can also be a happy beta male. Comedy special recorded in the city of Buenos Aires in February 2021, taking all the precautions and measures in the health contingency.
Camera Operator
Especial de stand up de Víctor Medina (Nanutria) grabado en junio del 2019 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en donde habla de los saludos en latinoamérica, el aborto, el catolicismo, los delivery de comida, los brackets, las llamadas de Whatsapp, explica por qué los perros son mejores que los gatos, habla de su tartamudez, nos cuenta sobre qué se siente jugar Forrnite a los 30, cuenta que no sabe nadar, hablar del friendzone, del sexting y de las orgías.