Duncan and Sarah are presenters of a well-known paranormal TV show titled “Ghost Hosts” which this week comes live from an abandoned haunted building as part of a Halloween special. They introduce their new host Jenny to the show and her first day is about to become a nightmare as the stories surrounding the horrifying dead owners of the mansion are about to become reality.
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Harry Price investigates the ghosts of Borley Rectory during his stay there.
Danny loves trolling indie filmmakers online. When a voice named Control hijacks his computer, Danny is sent to an isolated abandoned mansion to unravel a mystery that could make him a millionaire.
Doll House es la historia de una niña fugitiva de 11 años que llega a un hogar de ancianos con su única posesión, una casa de muñecas. Ella se niega a hablar y nunca soltará a su muñeca. Los otros niños se burlan de ella. Las personas comienzan a desaparecer y parecen aparecer como muñecos diminutos dentro de la casa de muñecas. Una entidad maligna acecha la muñeca y la casa de muñecas y está recolectando las almas de los niños para su causa final, estar vivos.