Self (archive footage)
Making-of documentary about the 1933 musical, 42nd Street.
Self (archive footage)
A look at actresses who starred in films with thought-provoking subjects made between 1930 and July 1934, before the Hollywood Production Code —the infamous Hays Code— was enforced.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
Himself (archive footage)
Out-takes (mostly from Warner Bros.), promotional shorts, movie premieres, public service pleas, wardrobe tests, documentary material, and archival footage make up this star-studded voyeuristic look at the Golden age of Hollywood during the 30s, 40, and 50.
Chicago 1929. Ewan Williams, convicto del asesinato de un policía, espera en la cárcel el momento de su ejecución. Mientras tanto, en la sala de prensa del Tribunal Supremo, un grupo de periodistas espera el indulto o la confirmación de la sentencia. Hiddy Johnson, el cronista de sucesos del Chicago Examiner, que tendría que cubrir la información, está a punto de contraer matrimonio y abandonar su trabajo; pero Walter Burns, el maquiavélico director del periódico, empeñado en retenerlo, tratará de impedir su boda por todos los medios.
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
Joe Bonney
In this comedy, an aspiring singer finds herself single and pregnant. The story begins when she is rushed to the hospital to give birth. She is joined by three men; all of them want to marry her. The story of her pregnancy and her rise to stardom are told in flashback.
Enzo 'Pretty' Stilletto
El científico nazi Heinrich von Kronen es reclutado por Louis Strago, un alto oficial de la organización TRUSH, para construir una serie de misiles nucleares y lanzarlos cerca del polo norte, alterando de ese modo el clima de todo el hemisferio norte y transformando a Norteamérica en un continente helado.
An updated remake of It Started With Eve (1941). A young heiress is summoned to the bedside of her dying grandfather. The man's last wish is to meet her fiance, but problems arise when the fiance is delayed and a young chemical engineer is persuaded to take his place. When the grandfather suddenly (and secretly) recovers, he uses the situation to his advantage - playing matchmaker in an attempt to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.
Vermin Witowski
En Chicago, en la época de la Ley Seca, al morir un ”reputado” gánster, su sucesor se las tiene que ver con el mejor amigo y colaborador del difunto. Éste tiene un plan para hacerse con el control del negocio del juego y el licor que al mismo tiempo le dará una reputación en toda la ciudad como defensor de los desheredados.
Col. Leslie Jenkins
A wealthy young man tries to woo a university student, while her two uncles work to popularize a local club.
Allen, compositor musical, y Jean, decoradora de interiores, se ven obligados a compartir temporalmente la misma línea de teléfono, lo que da lugar a continuas discusiones entre ellos. Los dos trabajan para el mismo jefe, Jonathan, pero no se conocen personalmente. Jonathan pretende a Jean y quiere casarse con ella. Sin embargo, en una fiesta, Allen reconoce por la voz a Jean y entabla conversación con ella ocultando su identidad.
Mr. Redington
An unsophisticated country girl accidentally joins the army.
A spunky storekeeper is determined to clean up corruption in her small town, as well as win the heart of the new sheriff. Comedy.
A Siamese twin kills the husband who left her. The courts have to decide if she is convicted of murder, how can they punish her sister, who had nothing to do with the crime?
Police Plainclothesman
Un perro, amaestrado para poner en contacto a una banda de contrabandistas con otra de falsificadores, va a parar por la circunstancia casual de una chocolatina al domicilio de los recién casados William y Catherine Dennis. Tal cosa ocurre precisamente el día que esta pareja celebra el segundo aniversario de su boda, razón por la que Catherine cree que el chucho es un obsequio de su marido. A no ser por el perro, y porque la suegra de William vive con ellos, la vida conyugal de la pareja hubiera sido muy feliz; pero ni la mamá política fomenta a paz matrimonial ni el advenedizo perro permite las expansiones amorosas de los esposos.
Weepin' Willie
The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers
CPO Mervin Longnecker
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
Slats Henry
A plumber with a girlfriend turns pro wrestler for a crooked promoter.
Billy Coy es hijo del legendario piloto de automovilismo "Bala de cañón Coy", que perdió la vida en un aparatoso accidente durante una competición. Billy aspira a ser un gran campeón como su padre. Sin embargo, son muchos los peligros que hay que superar en los circuitos automovilísticos, donde el menor descuido puede resultar fatal. Además, el joven irá descubriendo poco a poco que su padre llevaba una doble vida de tintes más bien siniestros.
Un agente de cobro llega a un pequeño pueblo con 1000 dólares para un granjero. Mientras espera a que el agricultor llegue, el dinero es guardado en una caja fuerte de un hotel. Sin embargo, el dinero se saca por error y solventa un serie de problemas antes de ser devuelto.
Un senador local, que nunca ha salido de su terruño y no molesta demasiado a su partido, a pesar de ser más bien chapucero y lleno de extrañas y estrambóticas ideas socio-políticas, decide, con ayuda de su joven y ambicioso agente de prensa, dar a entender públicamente que "querer, querer, no quiere la Presidencia del País, pero que si el Pueblo se lo pide....". Esto causa estupor en su partido pues sería un desastre que se presente, pero todo se complica cuando se sabe que durante muchos años ha ido escribiendo un diario, donde aparecen escritas cosas que más valiera no salieran a la luz.
Melodrama que toma como punto de partida a los granjeros de Texas, en forma de un pasional triángulo amoroso formado por los amigos Joe Madigan (Alan Ladd), Jim Davis (Robert Preston) y una chica deseosa de recibir caros regalos (Dorothy Lamour). Los dos amigos se enfrentarán hasta las últimas consecuencias por el amor de la muchacha.
Howard 'Harvard' Quinlan
The baby sitter is none other than veteran Hollywood tough guy Tom Neal. A private detective, Neal is hired to keep an eye on the child of married couple George Meeker and Rebel Randall. Actually, Meeker and Randall are jewel thieves, and their "baby" is their stolen loot. Neal eventually catches on when he realizes that this is the quietest child on earth. Running a scant 41 minutes, Case of the Baby Sitter was designed to be shown in tandem with another Screen Guild Productions "briefie," The Hat Box Mystery: the films were shot back to back, with Tom Neal and Pamela Blake starring in both.
Susan Hart, assistant to private detective Russ Ashton, is given a camera concealed in a hat box and assigned to take a picture of a woman. A gun is accidentally hidden in the box and the woman is killed. Susan is charged with murder, but Russ and his less-than-useful associate, Harvard, get on the case and prove that the fatal shot was fired by the killer from across the street.
Joe Morgan
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Comedy about an Irish father, who enjoys betting on horses, who keeps interfering with his daughter's romance with a serviceman.
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1947
Glenn Cummings
Judy McCoy, a fortune teller with a circus, learns she has inherited some property and heads west to collect. When she arrives in the desert ghost town, she learns that a stipulation in the will is that she has to return the property to the rightful owners, an Indian tribe, before she gets the remaining inheritance
Willis Trimble
This 1946 film stars Phillip Terry as a war veteran, who is persuaded by machine politico Donald MacBride to run for alderman. Ann Savage plays the "honest government functionary" with whom the hero falls in love. Terry finds that disreputable politicians are using his war record to push through some shady legislation, so he renounces these hacks.
Deacon McGill
This economy-minded Columbia backstage musical opens with overly fussy director-choreographer Eddie Dolan (wartime star-substitute Fred Brady) in exigent mode, much in the Cole manner. Closing the movie are two archetypal Cole numbers: a perfect capture of his nightclub rhumba routine (using costumes that also appear in Tonight and Every Night) and a backyard tomboy-romp that morphs into a waltz, one of Cole’s oft-repeated themes. -Museum of Modern Art
Danny (Waring chauffeur)
Mientras espera en la estación la llegada del tren que la conducirá desde San Francisco a Nueva York, Nikki Collins es testigo accidental de un asesinato que se comete en un inmueble cercano. Nadie cree su versión, incluida la policía que no descubre rastro alguno cuando llega al supuesto lugar de los hechos, excepto un famoso escritor de novelas policíacas, que está dispuesto a colaborar con ella para demostrar que, efectivamente, se ha cometido un crimen y hay un peligroso asesino en libertad.
Edgar, un tímido bibliotecario es persuadido por el fantasma de su extrovertido hermano gemelo Buzzy Bellew, asesinado por un jefe mafioso, para que ocupe su lugar como showman de un nightclub y vengue su muerte
Allen Jenkins
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Dakota (Terry), un soldado que está de permiso en Nueva York, visita la famosa Stage Door Canteen (título original del film), un local de Broadway donde célebres artistas entretenían a los soldados que volvían del frente. Dakota y sus amigos, Tex (Sunset Carson) y California (Lon McAllister), caen rendidos ante los encantos de Eileen (Cheryl Walker), Jean (Marjorie Riordan) y Ella Sue (Margaret Early). Artistas del calibre de Katharine Hepburn, Merle Oberon, George Raft, Johnny Weismuller, Ralph Bellamy o Harpo Marx llenan el local, en el que actúan las bandas de Xavier Cugat, Count Basie y Benny Goodman.
Marine Sergeant in Chorus (archive footage) (uncredited)
This short film showcases six production numbers from various Warner Bros. musicals.
Blind detective Duncan Maclain gets mixed up with enemy agents and murder when he tries to help an old friend with a rebellious stepdaughter.
Johnny Johnson
Margaret Drew lleva su compañía de transportes con mano de hierro. La única espina que tiene clavada es el escritor Michael Holmes, que está escribiendo un libro sobre sus duras maneras. En la boda de su hermana menor conoce a un atractivo forastero, por el se siente atraída al instante; cuando se entera de que es el odiado escritor, empieza a perder el rumbo.....
'Pappy' Goodring
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Jonathan 'Goldy' Locke
"El Halcón" y una periodista tratan de resolver una serie de asesinatos que coinciden con la salida de la cárcel de un ex-luchador. La historia se inspira en la novela de Raymond Chandler "Farewell, My Lovely" ("Adiós Muñeca"). Esta es la tercera vez que George Sanders interpretó el personaje del Halcón.
Portagee Joe
Danny, un pobre mexicano-norteamericano del norte de California, hereda dos casas de su abuelo que son rápidamente aprovechadas por sus amigos vagabundos.
Jonathan 'Goldy' Locke
En esta ocasión Gay se dedica a Helen Reed (Wendy Barrie), una mujer valiente que conoció en la 1ª entrega en The Gay Falcon (El intrépido Halcón). Gay y Helen se supone que deben partir de la ciudad para encontrarse con su familia, pero surge un nuevo caso en el que se entrelazan un asesinato y una fórmula para fabricar diamantes falsos. No hace falta deciros, que los planes de Helen con Gay se verán frustrados, ya que nuestro héroe no puede resistirse a resolver el crimen.
Garbage Man
Gracias a la donación de un cuarto de millón de dólares, un grupo de profesores estrafalarios, todos solteros salvo uno que es viudo, trabajan en la elaboración de una enciclopedia del saber humano. Cuando el trabajo se encuentra ya en una fase bastante avanzada, la visita sorpresa de una bailarina de cabaret les hace replantearse su labor, pues caen en la cuenta de que viven de espaldas al mundo.
Glenn Ford interpreta al nuevo sheriff de Headstone. Él y su mujer acaban de llegar al lugar que padece los ataques constantes de una banda de forajidos. El matrimonio pronto es víctima del "comité de bienvenida" que les han preparado, aunque pronto aprenden y optan por reponerse para acabar con ellos para siempre.
Jonathan G. 'Goldie' Locke
Primera de una serie de 16 películas producidas entre 1941 y 1949, que tuvieron la intención de reemplazar a "El Santo". Gay Lawrence, alias "The Falcon" es un detective privado al que le apasiona resolver crímenes; todo un caballero inglés que siente una gran debilidad por las mujeres hermosas.
Lucky James
Historia de un médico del ejército americano que investiga los mareos y desvanecimientos que sufren los pilotos cuando vuelan a gran altura. Basada en hechos reales, fue estrenada meses antes del ataque japonés contra Pearl Harbor.
Off-Beat Davis
A producer and his partner clash over two women in show business.
Errol Flynn es un superficial caballero de la alta sociedad. Su carácter frívolo poco hace sospechar a los que le rodean que tiene una doble vida. Compagina su faceta más exclusiva con una labor como escritor de novelas de misterio y colaborador de la policía.
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
Max Schwydel
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
Newlyweds Bret (Tom Brown) and Margie (Nan Grey) both aspire to show-biz careers: he wants to be a songwriter, while she is desirous of becoming a radio scripter. Inevitably, Bret and Margie quarrel and break up, only to be reunited by their efforts to snag "banana king" Gomez (Mischa Auer) for a lucrative radio contract. The old 1920s tune "Margie" is heard throughout the proceedings, frequently fitted out with ludicrous new lyrics ("Bananas! We're Always Thikin' of Bananas!" etc.) by a zany songwriting team (Eddie Quillan and Wally Vernon).
Willie 'The Knife' Corson
El gángster Little John Sarto viaja por Europa en busca de estilo, sin embargo nunca podrá poseer ese toque que anhela. Cuando regresa a América sin un dólar encuentra a su banda liderada por Jack Buck y a su novia convertida en una nueva rica.
Flubs and bloopers that occurred on the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1940.
Ed aka The Weasel
In this musical comedy, a traveling salesman gets mixed up with a bratty heiress after she gets in a car wreck as she heads for her elopement. The two begin traveling together and get further mixed up with a fleeing bank robber, a crazy tourist camp, and other troubles. Songs include: "Oh Johnny, How You Can Love," "Maybe I Like What You Like," "Swing Chariot Swing," and "Make Up Your Mind."
Gyp Watson
Tom Destry, hijo de un legendario pacificador de la frontera, es un joven pacífico que rechaza todo tipo de violencia, por lo que es objeto de toda clase de burlas cuando recorre a caballo la ciudad de Bottleneck, el feudo personal de Kent. Las burlas aumentan cuando Destry nombra sheriff al borracho Wash Dimsdale. Esta actitud cambia cuando resulta que Destry, a pesar de odiar las armas, es un buen tirador. Mientras tanto, Frenchy, la cantante del saloon y novia de Kent, que se siente ofendida ante la indiferencia que Destry muestra hacia ella, jura poner en ridículo al nuevo sheriff.
Steve McBride
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Joe Dirk
Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.
Twelve people are aboard Coast Air Line's flagship the Silver Queen enroute to South America when the airplane encounters a storm and is blown off course. Crashing into jungles known to be inhabited by head hunters, pilots Bill and Joe race against time to fix the engines and attempt a take off. The situation brings out the best and worst in the stranded dozen as they create a makeshift runway and prepare to escape before the natives attack. But damage to the plane and low fuel reserves means that only 5 people can be carried to safety.
Xerxes 'Tip' Bailey
A scatterbrained waitress invests her inheritance in a broken-down race horse and a sweepstakes ticket.
A sports store clerk poses as a famous jockey as an advertising stunt, but gets more than he bargained for.
Bill Hardsock
A two-fisted Canadian Mountie leads lawmen in pursuit of the thieves who stole an Edmonton-bound freighter's cargo.
Cuando la mimada y rica heredera Maggie Richards intenta poner gasolina en un camping dirigido por Bill Davis, éste la obliga a pagar la deuda haciendo las camas. Con ánimo vengativo, ella finge perdonarle y le envía a su padre para que financie un plan de Bill. Lo que ocurre a continuación no formaba parte de su plan original...
El eminente doctor Clitterhouse (Edward G. Robinson) llega más lejos que todos sus colegas en su afán por desentrañar el misterio que hace que un hombre se convierta en un delincuente. Propulsor de un particular método y, convencido de que él es el mejor sujeto de experimentación, decide llevar a cabo una extraña prueba que le permita concluir si el hombre cae en el delito por necesidad o por la sublimación de los sentidos.
Skeets Wilson
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
Duke 'Dukie' Dennis
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love.
Dewey Gibson
An incognito Hollywood star (Carole Lombard) in Paris meets a penniless nobleman (Fernand Gravet) who follows her to London.
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
Shiner Ward / Duke Dennis (archive footage) (uncredited)
This was one of the annual "blooper" reels screened by the Warners Club, an organization of Warners actors, crew and executives. It was meant to poke fun at the flubs and bloopers that occurred ont the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
Shiner Ward
Promoter Ed Hatch comes to the Ozarks with his slow-witted wrestler Joe Skopapoulos whom he pits against a hillbilly Amazon blacksmith, Sadie Horn. Joe falls in love with her and won't fight. At least not until Sadie's beau Noah shows up.
Comedy-mystery finds Detectives Kelly and Dempsey trapped in a deserted lighthouse with a group of strangers who are being terrorized by a killer octopus AND a mysterious crime figure named after the title sea creature.
Gerald Wicks ha sido educado con gran rigidez por una abuela que quiere convertirlo en el perfecto caballero de los años 30, pero, cuando Mona Carter entra en su vida, Gerald decide lanzarse a la aventura y conquistar el corazón de la entusiasta muchacha.
En una calle de Nueva York, la miseria y la delincuencia conviven con la riqueza de los inquilinos de un lujoso bloque de apartamentos. Inevitablemente esos agudos contrastes acabarán desencadenando tensiones entre los dos mundos.
Benefit Show Guest (archive footage) (uncredited)
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Jake Edgall
Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.
Frantic screwball comedy about a meek personal assistant (Frank McHugh) who is promoted to managing editor of a newspaper features syndicate that is owned by and staffed with cuckoos.
Alf Morgan
A stage-struck small-towner is tricked in backing a bad straight play, but it turns out to be a unintentional comedy hit. Problems arise, when he is sued for plagiarism.
Sergeant Mike
Bob Brent, a young Marine from Arkansas, impresses his comrades with his singing ability, and they pitch in to send him to New York to compete in an amateur contest. Success in the contest, however, sets him up for trouble in romance, in his career, and with the Corps.
Orphaned horse-trainer's little daughter has reciprocated bond with horse, which needs her presence to win races.
El mafioso Johnny Vanning dirige un ostentoso club nocturno de Nueva York en el que explota a sus chicas y las tiene atemorizadas. Mary incita a un juerguista a ganar más dinero del que tiene y, cuando no puede pagar, le matan. El fiscal del distrito, David Graham, convencido de que el caso está ganado, lleva a Vanning a juicio.
J. Van Courtland
Two starving songwriters will only get funding if they get British actress Jane Clarke to star in their show.
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1937.
Time marches on.
Chris Cross
A young playboy inherits a financially-troubled New York City department store. To learn the business, he poses as a store clerk, and quickly falls for a pretty employee in the store's music department. Comedy with songs.
A meek salesman with an uncanny ability to pick horses is virtually kidnapped by a trio of gamblers.
Los mánagers de un campeón de boxeo y de una estrella del musical de Broadway deciden montar un romance entre ellos para promocionarlos.
Austrian church bell ringer Freyman loves music and wants his two sons (both played by Ameche) to love it too. The first goes to America and the second is born deaf-mute but gains hearing during WWI bombing.
Joe Eddy
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
A behind-the-scenes look at the massive preparation in the production of Cosmopolitan's lavish musical comedy romance, 'Cain and Mabel."
Bernard 'Kewpie' Wiggins
A down-on-her-luck showgirl sets her eyes on the cash prize that comes with winning the title "Miss Pacific Fleet".
Fishcake Carter
Melodrama about the professional and romantic problems of an aspiring singer.
Collection of Warner's stars blundering through missed takes.
A con man who stages phony "lucky legs" beauty contests and leaves town with the money is found with a surgical knife in his heart by Mason.
A failed actor finds success as a radio singer.
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Carbarn Hammerschlog
En Nueva York viven los tres hermanos O'Hara, que son de origen irlandés: uno es policía (Pat O'Brien), otro es bombero (Frank McHugh) y el tercero es promotor de boxeo (James Cagney). Los tres se enfrentarán por el amor de una joven.
Durante sus vacaciones en China, Perry Mason se encuentra con Rhoda, una antigua amiga que lo busca para que la ayude a esclarecer un caso. Moxley, su marido, que se supone que había muerto hace cuatro años, resulta que está vivo y le pide dinero. El caso se complica cuando la policía encuentra a Moxley muerto, pues ella se convierte en la principal sospechosa.
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Police Sgt. Jim Jackson
A murder happens when greedy relatives gather to await the demise of their wealthy and very ill family patriarch.
Barney Cowan
A midwest band leader and his lead singer share a love-hate relationship as they try for success in New York.
Buck Willetts
Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an boycott action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and Kennedy is arrested once more. He leaves jail at night to meet Ann, but meanwhile the owner has asked some mobsters to deliver the milk. One of the farmers is murdered, Ann Reid is missing and Eddie Kennedy is accused of murder.
Una millonaria se enamora de un limpia ventanas cantante.
Sgt. Holcomb
A very nervous man named Cartwright comes into Perry's office to have the neighbor arrested for his howling dog. He states that the howling is a sign that there is a death in the neighborhood. He also wants a will written giving his estate to the lady living at the neighbors house. It is all very mysterious and by the next day, his will is changed and Cartwright is missing, as is the lady of the house next door. Perry has a will and a retainer and must find out whether he has a client or a beneficiary.
Unscrupulous agent Rush Blake makes singing waiter Buddy Clayton a big radio star while Peggy Cornell, who has lost her own radio show, helps Buddy.
Emmett Frink
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
An ex-convict tries to connect with the daughter who doesn't even know he exists.
Jimmy Corrigan (James Cagney), un tipo sin escrúpulos, tiene una agencia que se dedica a buscar en la prensa diaria gente que ha muerto dejando una herencia que nadie reclama. Su plan consiste en “fabricar” a los herederos adecuados para quedarse él con la herencia. Pero sus perfectos planes acaban torciéndose.
John 'Johnny'
Two telephone repairmen have many adventures and romance a pair of blondes.
Sam Sparks
Bob Brown uses his bedside manner to charm his patients while his partner makes the actual diagnoses.
Former bootlegger Dutch Barnes pressures neighborhood druggist Jimmy Morrell into making cut-rate knockoff toiletry, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
Herman Brody
Two golddiggers go fishing for millionaires in Havana.
Detective Joe Musik
Butch Saunders has been transferred to Missing Persons because he was too brutal in other police work...
A Patsy Gargan, un antiguo criminal, sus corruptos compinches políticos le pagan sus servicios nombrándolo inspector de un reformatorio. Al principio no muestra ningún interés por la escuela, pero la simpatía que siente por los niños que son víctimas de abusos y maltrato por parte del despiadado director y sus matones, lo empuja a aceptar el trabajo.
Glory es una cantante que ofrece su voz en la radio en la radio a la chica limpia y pura que promociona una compañía de toallas, y no sabe qué hacer para librarse de su imagen ñoña. Encima, como parte de la promoción, la obligan a casarse con un palurdo de Tennessee...
Robert 'Rusty' Griffith
As the demand for raw silk goes sky high, crooked businessman Wallace Myton corners the market with plans to drive up the price. Determined to fulfill his contracts, manufacturer Donald Kilgore imports $3 million worth of silk to Seattle and accompanies it by special train to New York. But when his secretary is found murdered, Kilgore soon discovers Myton has planted three killers on board with orders to stop the express and its passengers dead in their tracks.
People in an old, dark mansion are menaced by a maniac called "The Black Ace.
Chandler, a con-man, and his helper Frank decide to create a clairvoyant act for the carny circuit, as a little research reveals Ameicans spent $125 million on mind-readers and astrology. The carny, renamed Chandra, falls for one of his marks, Sylvia, but their love is tested when he brings tragedy to other peoples' lives and she asks him to go straight.
Hank Wales
Una mujer es chantajeada por su primer marido, ella planea un viaje al extranjero para librarse de él.
Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
Mac Elroy
Julian Marsh, un exitoso productor de Broadway, a pesar de su delicada salud, produce un nuevo espectáculo, financiado por un hombre rico que está enamorado de la actriz principal, Dorothy Brock , aunque ella no le corresponde. Cuando la víspera del estreno Dorothy se lesiona, es sustituida por una chica del coro.
A Depression-downtrodden waif uses her brains instead of her body to rise from tyro con artist to crime boss.
Sweeney (uncredited)
Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."
radio announcer
James Cagney interpreta a un agente de prensa que se convierte en promotor de un maratón de baile.
Izzy Levine
Idealistic attorney Anton Adam makes headlines when he successfully prosecutes a prominent New York racketeer named Gilmurry. Adam's sudden renown attracts the attention of high-profile legal eagle Granville Bentley, who asks Adam to become a partner in his law firm. But Adam's rising career takes a nosedive when he's framed by Gilmurry and a sexy actress in a trumped-up breach of promise suit. The only constant in Adam's life is the loyalty and unrequited love of his secretary Olga.
Barney Sykes
Retrato desolador de la injusticia y el sufrimiento humanos causados por el sistema penal de los Estados Unidos vigente tras la I Guerra Mundial.
Tras muchos años sin verse, tres amigas de la infancia, Maria, Vivian y Ruth, vuelven a encontrase y se ponen al día sobre los cambios de sus respectivas vidas. Vivian decide entonces invitar a sus amigas y a sus parejas a un crucero con el fin de conocerse mejor.
Mike Dumphy
Gambler/racketeer "Knucks" McGloin takes note of just how much money and action (aside from the game itself) takes place around and about the annual Rose Bowl football game, and decides this is one sweet proposition and could be even sweeter if one had his own college and football game and had a large say beforehand as to the outcome of any game this team had. So he ups and creates his own college---Carnasie after his own neighborhood. His gangster rival. Gilatti, thinks this give McGloin a definite inside advantage and, if there is one thing a gambler can't abide, it is that someone has an inside advantage and they are not that someone. Gilatti gets himself a college football team. Education marches on.
Frankie Wells
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
Hotel Meat Packer (uncredited)
Las diferentes historias de los huéspedes de un elegante hotel es el argumento de este film de brillante reparto. Obtuvo tan sólo un Oscar, pero fue el de mejor película.
Tony Maloney
El amante de la esposa de un gangster intenta que le lleven a la cárcel para evitar la furia del marido engañado.