Lee Ji-yeon


Family Affair
Production Design
One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is "I miss you." Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.
Lost to Shame
Production Design
A small time actor is given the lead role in a play dealing with homosexuality. Though he has always believed himself to be open minded, his little brother’s secret proves otherwise, and he realizes that he has been fooling himself the entire time.
El Condor Pasa
Production Design
Soo-Ha (Gang Ye-Won) suddenly quits her job at a company and leaves with a cactus that resembles her. She goes to a rest stop area which her father left for her. While working at the rest stop area she meets strangers and grows as a person ...
Production Design
Working at a transgender bar, Min-a is a female with male genitals. When her colleague is assaulted by a male customer, she steps in to help, only to accidentally kill the assaulter. At the court, Min-a insists that she had no choice ? she had to protect her colleague - but the situation is not favorable to her. Taking advantage of her sexual identity, the prosecutor drives the case as if the murder were a result out of jealousy, and Min-a’s own lawyer does not pay attention to her situation. Not until Min-a is placed in a men’s jail and is seized with terror do the human rights issues for transgender people emerge. Min-a is finally transferred to a prison for females, but still she suffers from misunderstanding. Presenting the transgender human rights issues as a court drama, this film tries to correct the myriad misunderstandings toward transgender people.
Glory Day (One Way Trip)
Production Design
Yong Bi, Sang Woo, Ji Gong y Doo Man son cuatro amigos que realizan un viaje de despedida a Sang Woo antes de que se aliste en el ejército. Durante la noche ven a una mujer siendo golpeada por un hombre e intentan salvarla.
Genome Hazard
Production Design
Ishigami llega a casa del trabajo y descubre a su esposa muerta. Justo en ese momento, él recibe una llamada telefónica de su esposa y cae en la más absoluta confusión. Ishigami lucha por encontrar a su esposa. Poco a poco, se da cuenta de todos sus recuerdos se han ido y se encuentra actuando como otra persona. ¿Cuál es su verdadera identidad?
Production Design
Ap-lok river flows between North Korea and China. A point along the river runs about 48 meters. There, North Koreans risk their lives by trying to cross the river. Real stories of those people who attempt to cross the river are told.
Granny Goes to School
Production Design
A grandmother lost her only son in a car accident. Her deceased son left her his adopted 7 year-old daughter and letters to his illiterate mother. Scared to reveal her illiteracy, she hasn’t attempted to open the letters from her son. Now, she desires to read the letters but, the only place to teach the alphabet to adult students from foreign countries is closed down as the only teacher is hospitalized. With nowhere to turn, she struggles through self-study. Dong-e, who is a 7 year-old adopted child of her son’s that he reluctantly and temporarily stays with, sees her struggle and helps her study with her books. But, Dong-e’s tutoring soon ends as she hasn’t mastered the alphabet yet herself. Now she decides to attend an elementary school in a remote town as a first grader. So it is now she who helps Dong-e with the alphabet and their awkward relationship begins to change slowly.
La Estafa
Art Direction
Después de perderlo todo, Kang Hyun Soo, pasa cinco años pegado a la pantalla de su computadora, como un inversor individual de tiempo completo. Ello con el fin de lograr su único objetivo: tener una cuenta bancaria de nueve dígitos, para poder mantener a su madre y a su estudioso hermano menor. Un día da el gran golpe, aunque a costa de arruinarle una estafa a Hwang Jong Gu, un gángster convertido en financiero, que está intentando entrar en el selecto grupo de los ricos y poderosos. Aunque furioso al principio, Hwang, reconoce el talento de Hyun Soo y por ello lo recluta como miembro de su talentoso equipo, conformado por: Jo Min Hyeong, un corredor de bolsa de élite; Yoo Seo Yeon, una sexy banquera privada; Park Chang Joo, un CEO chaebol de segunda generación; y Brian Choi, un gestor de fondos coreano-americano. Ellos se han unido para lograr la mayor estafa jamás antes vista, un atraco de 60,000,000,000 de wons.
Our School's E.T.
Production Design
Sung geun, a physical education teacher, is at risk of losing his job when the school decides it needs an English teacher instead of a PE teacher. Therefore, he starts to devise a plan to change his job as an English teacher.