Takashi Sumita


Más allá de los dos minutos infinitos
Regresando a su apartamento tras terminar la jornada, Kato, propietario del Café Phalam, se ve a sí mismo hablándose desde la pantalla de su ordenador: "Soy el yo del futuro. Dos minutos en el futuro". La pantalla de su casa y la del ordenador del café están conectadas de alguna manera. Kato vuelve a su establecimiento y, junto a clientes habituales, empieza a explorar este fenómeno.
Go Find a Psychic!
Once a year, on Christmas Eve, Cafe Telekinesis holds a real psychic party. At the party, psychics gather together to show off their abilities while for the rest of the year they hide their abilities. Yone Sakurai is a program director for a psychic variety TV show called "Asunaro Psychic". She is stressed out and tired from her work, but proud of what she is doing. Yone actually believes in psychic abilities. By an audience request a new plan is set out for the program, a plan which requires the show to uncover real psychics or psychic events.