Jules Ricard


El manual de la familia perfecta
Art Direction
Una pareja en Quebec se enfrenta a las dificultades y las expectativas de criar niños en una sociedad obsesionada con el éxito y la presencia en las redes sociales.
El gran Gatsby
Art Direction
Ambientada en Nueva York y Long Island en los años 20. Jay Gatsby y Daisy Buchanan son dos jóvenes acaudalados destinados a enamorarse. Pero su entorno social, de estrictas convicciones, será el principal obstáculo a su tormentosa relación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Production Design
After being continually kicked out of boarding schools, Ben is sent to live with his stern Grandfather in a small town. Almost as soon as he arrives he begins to see the ghost of a woman around his grandfather's house. He also gets to know a girl named Kathrine and the two fast become friends. They both want to help the ghost who holds a connection to both of their families. As they research the past, Ben and Katherine find out that sometimes all you need to do to help someone is to believe.