Michael Q. Martin


About Scout
Associate Producer
A rebellious Goth girl embarks on a road trip across Texas with a suicidal young man in an effort to find her little sister.
Associate Producer
A young man visits a bar and falls for the waitress whose family turns out to be tied to Italian mob. The head henchman doesn't like him, so things heat up, even though the don likes him. Then stolen diamonds enter the picture.
La casa del terror
Casi 10 años después de que dos chicas fueran brutalmente asesinadas, el autor del crimen, Jonah, se fuga del psiquiátrico y vuelve a su antiguo territorio de actuación: el parque de atracciones. Ahora, sus desafortunadas víctimas son un grupo de jóvenes que están de excursión de primaver (spring break) con su instituto, y que deciden quedarse a hacer noche en el parque. Lo que en un principio se presenta como una velada de diversión en La Casa del Terror, se convierte en toda una pesadilla.
Standing in the Shadows of Motown
Post Production Supervisor
In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. gathered the best musicians from Detroit's thriving jazz and blues scene to begin cutting songs for his new record company. Over a fourteen year period they were the heartbeat on every hit from Motown's Detroit era. By the end of their phenomenal run, this unheralded group of musicians had played on more number ones hits than the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Elvis and the Beatles combined - which makes them the greatest hit machine in the history of popular music. They called themselves the Funk Brothers. Forty-one years after they played their first note on a Motown record and three decades since they were all together, the Funk Brothers reunited back in Detroit to play their music and tell their unforgettable story, with the help of archival footage, still photos, narration, interviews, re-creation scenes, 20 Motown master tracks, and twelve new live performances of Motown classics with the Brothers backing up contemporary performers.
Standing in the Shadows of Motown
Associate Producer
In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. gathered the best musicians from Detroit's thriving jazz and blues scene to begin cutting songs for his new record company. Over a fourteen year period they were the heartbeat on every hit from Motown's Detroit era. By the end of their phenomenal run, this unheralded group of musicians had played on more number ones hits than the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Elvis and the Beatles combined - which makes them the greatest hit machine in the history of popular music. They called themselves the Funk Brothers. Forty-one years after they played their first note on a Motown record and three decades since they were all together, the Funk Brothers reunited back in Detroit to play their music and tell their unforgettable story, with the help of archival footage, still photos, narration, interviews, re-creation scenes, 20 Motown master tracks, and twelve new live performances of Motown classics with the Brothers backing up contemporary performers.
Aulas violentas
Post Production Supervisor
Acaba de escapar de un campo de prisioneros y su prioridad ahora es cumplir la promesa que hizo a un compañero en su lecho de muerte: entregar una medalla a su hija, quien trabaja como profesora en un conflictivo colegio.
Almas gemelas
Post Production Supervisor
Cuando Lesly decide conocer a la familia de su novio y compartir con ellos mesa y mantel, lo que iba a ser una alegre velada se convierte en una noche loca y de consecuencias imprevisibles. Una ración de sorpresas aliñadas con picantes y oscuros secretos complican más la digestión.
Kiss and Tell
Post Production Supervisor
An undercover police officer must prove that a lonely man's missing wife was murdered.
Maleficio (Thinner)
Post Production Supervisor
Billy es un abogado obeso que no muestra demasiados escrúpulos a la hora de aceptar clientes. Un día, mientras vuelve en coche de una fiesta acompañado de su mujer, atropella a una anciana gitana. Ésta muere y el abogado es absuelto en el juicio.
The Suicide
A young boy, abandoned by his father and supported by a blindly optimistic mother, struggles to fit in at his new school.
The Suicide
A young boy, abandoned by his father and supported by a blindly optimistic mother, struggles to fit in at his new school.
The Suicide
Second Unit Director of Photography
A young boy, abandoned by his father and supported by a blindly optimistic mother, struggles to fit in at his new school.
The Suicide
A young boy, abandoned by his father and supported by a blindly optimistic mother, struggles to fit in at his new school.