Two strangers meet in an apartment for a sex date, but a special feeling immediately arises between them. Too afraid to follow their hearts, Marcello and Herman decide to play a game, using an ancient dice made of stone. They establish six actions to perform, one for each side: telling an uncomfortable truth, doing something the other likes, inviting a third person, doing something blindfolded, leaving the apartment, having sex. As years go by, while they keep on playing, the conflict between the desire to be together and the fear of yet another failed relationship becomes increasingly problematic. Will they be able to find the strength to make choices and break the vicious cycle they have entered or will the game continue until fate decides for them?
Durante la Guerra Civil Española, meses de sangrientos combates han dejado tras de sí miles de muertos en las trincheras. Jan Lozano, capitán de la quinta brigada, cae prisionero. La única posibilidad de escapar a la sentencia de muerte es hacer frente a una misión imposible en campo enemigo. Pero un peligro mayor del esperado obligará a los bandos rivales a unirse contra un nuevo y desconocido adversario. Tendrán que dejar de lado el odio mutuo y así evitar convertirse en infectados.