Director of Photography
El barón Friedrich Zorn (Robert Hardy), un noble austriaco del siglo XIX, encarcela en su castillo a sus hijos, Emil (Shane Briant) y Elizabeth (Gillian Hills), porque cree que están poseídos por "demonios de la mente". El barón ha llamado al Dr. Falkenberg (Patrick Magee), un psiquiatra radical por cuyas peligrosas teorías tuvo que huir de Viena, para ver si el doctor puede "curar" a sus hijos, que se han convertido en locos monstruosos.
Director of Photography
Una joven recién casada, con un largo historial de crisis nerviosas, se traslada con su marido a la escuela donde él trabaja. Una vez allí, asegura que está siendo víctima de los ataques de un hombre con un brazo ortopédico, pero nadie la cree.
Director of Photography
Tera (Valerie Leon) es una reina egipcia que es momificada, no sin antes habérsele amputado una mano... Basada en el cuento de Bram Stoker "Jewel of the Seven Stars".
Director of Photography
Un depravado satanista, obsesionado con la idea de resucitar a Drácula, convence a tres caballeros para comprar unas reliquias pertenecientes al mismísimo Príncipe de las Tinieblas: su capa, un anillo y un frasco de sangre pulverizada. Reunidos en una vieja iglesia desconsagrada, practican un ritual en el que tienen que beber la sangre de Drácula. Los caballeros se niegan y acaban matando al joven satanista. Cuando Drácula vuelve a la vida, se venga de los tres hombres, utilizando para ello a sus propios hijos
A former British Secret Service agent is persuaded to negotiate a spy exchange with Russia, only to find himself drawn into political intrigues.
Director of Photography
Spy Killer stars Robert Horton as a secret agent turned private eye. Framed for murder, Horton is released, but only after promising that he'll track down a book containing a list of government agents who are operating covertly in Red China. The reluctant spy discovers that he can't completely trust anyone in this endeavor--not even his former chief
Director of Photography
El doctor Frankenstein, con la ayuda de una joven pareja a la que chantajea, secuestra al doctor Brandt, un antiguo colega suyo que se encuentra recluido en un manicomio. Su propósito es obtener una importante información médica que sólo él puede proporcionarle; pero Brandt muere y, entonces, Frankenstein decide trasplantar su cerebro a otro cuerpo.
Director of Photography
En las sombras de su Castillo, el Conce Drácula resucita gracias a la sangre que cae de una herida que tiene en la cabeza un sacerdote inconsciente, que estaba intentando practicar un exorcismo. Una vez más, el terror se extiende por Transilvania.
Director of Photography
Cuando Simon no acude a la reunión anual con sus amigos, el Duque de Richleau y Rex Van Ryn comienzan a preocuparse. Pronto descubren que ha ingresado en una secta satánica, cuyo líder es el Duque Mocata, que utiliza a inocentes, a los que lavan el cerebro por medio de hipnosis, y luego sacrifican en honor al diablo. Aunque Richleau está dispuesto a evitar que mueran más inocentes, la tarea a la que tendrá que enfrentarse no será sencilla.
Director of Photography
Durante unas excavaciones en Londres, aparece un extraño objeto de gran tamaño. Al principio se cree que puede ser una bomba de la Segunda Guerra Mundial lanzada por los nazis. El ejército descubre que no es nada parecido y llama al profesor Quatermass, que junto con el doctor en antropología Roney y su ayudante Bárbara Judd intentaran explicar el enigma. El profesor Quatermass descubre en su interior unas criaturas alienígenas que intentaron conquistar la Tierra en tiempos prehistóricos y, a través de sus experimentos en los primeros hombres, alteraron la evolución humana hasta llegar a su estado actual. Aunque adormecidas por muchos siglos, ahora existe el peligro de que puedan despertar y tratar de dominar a la humanidad.
Director of Photography
En la Inglaterra del siglo XII, Robin de Courtenay huye al bosque de Sherwood acusado de la muerte de su primo Henry. Con la ayuda del fraile Tuck, Robin planea su venganza contra el asesino real, el despiadado y malvado Roger, que es además el hermano de la víctima. Robin lidera a una pandilla de rebeldes contra su corrupto primo, Roger. Su lucha por la justicia está repleta de peligros pero su encanto con la hermosa Lady Marian promete el romance en compensación.
Director of Photography
Una pequeña expedición arqueológica conducida por Sir Basil Walden (André Morell) descubre la tumba escondida de Kah-to-Bey. A pesar de las advertencias del guardián de mirada siniestra, Hasmid Ali (Roger Delgado), se llevan a Kahto-Bey al Cairo y lo guardan junto a la momia de Prem, su devoto esclavo y protector. Los jerogílficos del sudario que cubre el cuerpo de Kahto-Bey son leídos en voz alta por Ali haciendo que Prem vuelva a la vida. Empieza una espiral imparable de locura, misterio y asesinatos.
Director of Photography
El barón Frankenstein y el doctor Hertz intentan trasplantar las almas de los muertos a otros cuerpos. Después de que su ayudante Hans, acusado injustamente del asesinato del padre de su novia Christina, sea condenado a muerte y ajusticiado, desentierran su cadáver y se apoderan de su alma. Mientras tanto, Christina, consumida por el dolor, se suicida. Entonces, los dos investigadores se proponen resucitarla transfiriéndole el alma de Hans. El experimento es un éxito, pero Frankenstein descubre que los actos de Christina están guiados por la sed de venganza de su novio.
Director of Photography
Angustiada por los terrores vividos en sus experiencias con hechiceros africanos, la profesora de escuela Gwen Mayfield acepta el cargo de directora de la escuela Haddaby, propiedad de Alan Bax y su hermana Stephanie. Gwen al principio goza de la tranquilidad de su nueva vida, pero pronto empieza a sentir el influjo de efectos paranormales. Misteriosas artes de brujería y una serie de desastres inexplicables llevan a Gwen al descubrimiento de la terrible verdad.
Director of Photography
Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant, newly arrived in Australia, and attempts to understand the aspirational values and social rituals of everyday urban Australians of the 1950s and '60s.... and assimilate.
Director of Photography
Harry y Valerie llegan a un pequeño pueblo de Inglaterra porque Charles, el hermano de Harry, ha muerto en extrañas circunstancias. La gente del pueblo muestra recelo ante la llegada de extraños y parece ocultar algo. La verdad es que viven atemorizados por una serie de muertes producidas por mordedura de serpiente. El Dr. Franklyn y su hija Anna tienen la clave de ese misterio: una maldición procedente de un antiguo culto oriental que oculta un terrible secreto.
Director of Photography
A local doctor is recruited as a cold war spy to fulfill a very important secret mission in the Middle East, only to experience that his mission is complicated by a sexy female double agent.
Director of Photography
En una pequeña ciudad de Gran Bretaña, varios trabajadores mueren a causa de una misteriosa epidemia. Desesperado, el doctor Peter Tompson pide ayuda a su amigo Sir James Forbes, que llega dispuesto a buscar el origen de la horrible plaga. Los dos doctores se embarcan en una peligrosa investigación que encubre un horrible secreto y que les llevará hasta la asombrosa verdad: alguien está utilizando la magia negra para devolver la vida a los muertos.
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de Ligeia (Elizabeh Shepherd) su marido Verden Fell (Vincent Price) la entierra en una abadía, a pesar de la oposición de un sacerdote. Años después, en una cacería del zorro, la pelirroja Rowena (Shepherd) conoce a Verden e inmediatamente se siente atraída por él, sin detenerse a pensar en su extraña e inquietante conducta.
Director of Photography
A Bristol typist joins the world of beauty contests.
Director of Photography
Un turista que busca cobijo para pasar la noche va a parar a una tenebrosa mansión en la que vive una familia de seres espeluznantes.
Director of Photography
A doctor's already-shaky marriage is tested to an even greater extent when he has to contend with a smallpox epidemic.
Director of Photography
Los Ashby son una familia marcada por la tragedia y un cierto grado de inestabilidad mental. Todo empezó con la muerte de sus padres once años antes, en un accidente de coche, y el posterior suicidio de su hermano pequeño. De repente, la aparición de un joven que afirma ser el hermano muerto desata una crisis en el inestable Simon y la depresiva Eleanor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Weymouth, Inglaterra, principio de los años sesenta. Joan, una joven británica, actúa de cebo para que la banda liderada por su hermano King robe y apalice a un súbdito norteamericano llamado Simon Wells. Después de ser agredido y abandonado sobre el arcén, Simon recibe ayuda por parte de Bernard y sus amigos. Al regresar a su embarcación anclada en el puerto de Weymouth, Wells vuelve a reencontrarse con Joan, pero en esta ocasión sus intenciones parecen ser bien distintas. De hecho, Joan pretende zafarse del control que ejerce su hermano mayor sobre ella y se presta a embarcar junto a Simon en su pequeño yate. Sin embargo, King y su grupo de “teddy boys” les siguen la pista con sus motocicletas bordeando la costa. Al verse rodeados, Simon y Joan saltan una valla protectora electrificada y penetran en una especie de recinto militar. Ambos no tardan en precipitarse por un acantilado, y acto seguido, las olas arrastran sus cuerpos hacia la orilla.
Director of Photography
A woman is found murdered in a house along the coast from Brighton. Local detectives Fellows and Wilks lead an investigation methodically following up leads and clues mostly in Brighton and Hove but also further afield.
Director of Photography
En un pueblo de refugiados hugonotes, Jonathan Standing es exiliado por su padre a una colonia penal de las inmediaciones por su relación impropia con una mujer casada. Esta colonia penal es invadida después por piratas que obligan a Jonathan a llevarlos de vuelta a su pueblo, convencidos de que alberga un gran tesoro.
Director of Photography
Cuando la "prima donna" de la Ópera de París se retira, Christine Charles es elegida para sustituirla, pero es despedida por rechazar las insinuaciones del empresario. Esa misma noche es raptada por un enano deforme, que la lleva a las catacumbas de la Ópera, donde encuentra a un hombre horriblemente mutilado que vive escondido allí. Él conoce el secreto del Fantasma de la Ópera y le cuenta una escalofriante historia de injusticia, depravación y codicia.
Director of Photography
El Capitan Collier llega a un pueblo costero inglés con la intención de investigar un caso de contrabando. Allí descubre que los lugareños viven asustados por los fantasmas del pantano. Pronto Collier empieza a sospechar que el contrabando, los fantasmas y el enigmático párroco del pueblo, el padre Blyss, forman parte de la misma conspiración...
Director of Photography
Un criminal encantador pero despiadado toma como rehén a la familia de un gerente de banco como parte de un plan para robar 97,000 libras.
Director of Photography
Sailor Albert gets a message from the Navy saying he can't marry for certain unexplained legal reasons. Everyone, including his domineering mother-in-law to be, jumps to the conclusion that there must be another woman involved.
Director of Photography
Mitchell is a rich American businessman whose son is kidnapped in England. Naturally, there's a huge ransom demand, but Scotland Yard tells Mitchell to butt out.
Director of Photography
Tras ser violada, una joven sirvienta sordomuda da a luz a una criatura aparentemente normal. Pero a medida que el niño crece comienza a dar señales de un extraño comportamiento; sus incontrolables reacciones durante las noches de luna llena anuncian una terrorífica metamorfosis.
Director of Photography
Tabitha, que siempre fue una mascota dócil, afable y devota, adopta todas las características de un animal feroz después del asesinato de su ama. Los tres culpables quedan atrapados por el poder del gato y cada uno alcanzará muertes prematuras de horribles proporciones sin que nadie pueda resolver el misterio que rodea su brutal muerte.
Director of Photography
En el Hong Kong de 1910 es asesinada la hija de un capitán de un barco británico por miembros de la sociedad Tong del Dragón Rojo. Ante la incapacidad de la policía por dar con la solución, el capitán iniciará una investigación para descubrir a los asesinos de su hija.
Un piloto entra clandestinamente en la China comunista para rescatar a una chica norteamericana atrapada en el país, pero ella quiere llenar el avión con más refugiados chinos.
Director of Photography
A seasoned pilot is condemned for an error which causes a crash. The pilot later dies in a crash with similar circumstances and an examiner looks for scientific reasons for the crashes.
Director of Photography
Cuenta la persecución del criminal Don Starling recién escapado de la cárcel, tras dejar malherido a uno de sus carceleris, quien supuestamente tiene que pasar por Manchester, ya que allí deben estar guardadas las joyas que robó y que tratará de recuperar.
Director of Photography
A comienzos del siglo XIX, en la India, comienzan a desaparecer periódicamente centenares de viajeros en una región controlada por una compañía británica. Un oficial descubre que estas desapariciones están relacionadas con una secta religiosa que adora a Kali, la diosa de la destrucción. Sus seguidores estrangulan a sus víctimas con un pañuelo de seda y luego las entierran en fosas comunes.
Director of Photography
Sitiados por el avance japonés en Birmania, el capitán Langford (Stanley Baker) y sus exhaustas tropas británicas se refugian en un pueblo enemigo en medio de la selva. A pesar de las protestas de un anciano sacerdote (Guy Rolfe) y del corresponsal de guerra Max Anderson (Leo McKern), Langford ordena al sargento McKenzie (Gordon Jackson) que dispare a dos aldeanos inocentes, con el fin de "persuadir" a un prisionero japonés a entregar información vital. Cuando los japoneses recuperan el pueblo, su comandante utiliza las mismas tácticas de guerra que había usado Langford, con el fin de extraer información de los británicos.
Director of Photography
En un campo de prisioneros de guerra italiano, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de soldados ingleses ve frustrados sus planes de escapar por culpa de un misterioso traidor que hay en sus filas.
Director of Photography
Sid Gibson is a soap powder salesman who decides what he really needs is TV advertising. The problem is, he's absolutely broke. He calls upon his friend Arthur Ashton, who arranges to sneak a plug for Sid's suds into a live TV spectacular. The public goes bananas for the product but to maintain sales Sid and Arthur must arrange for ever more outrageous plugs on TV shows. The Ascots races, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo - no show is safe.
Director of Photography
Ten years after the death of Robin Hood, the bandit of Sherwood Forest and defender of the Crown, the power-mad Duke Simon Des Roches plots to seize the British kingdom from its rightful heir, the boy prince, and only Robin's men stand in his way.
Director of Photography
A convicted murderer uses an ancient curse to take his revenge on those responsible for sending him to prison.
Director of Photography
Un médico estadounidense llega a un pequeño pueblo de la cos inglesa con el fin de investigar las actividades de su médico principal.
Director of Photography
the scheming Albert Higgins and his dim witted mate Cecil Hollebone, set out on a ocean voyage under the exasperated Chief Steward. Along for the trip are the wealthy Mrs. Borough and her secretary Pat. Soon Mrs. Boroughs’ Jewels are stolen…
Director of Photography
A fateful Stranger's Meeting leads to a maelstrom of crime, deception and murder in this 64-minute British programmer. The beautiful Delphi Lawrence heads a stellar cast, including such reliables as Victor Maddern, Norman Rossington, Conrad Phillips and Reginald Hearne. The plot centers around acrobat Peter Arne, falsely accused of murder. Escaping from the authorities, Arne hides out in a rustic inn, allowing first-time director (and former cinematographer) Robert Day ample opportunity for dark, menacing shadows and sinister underlighting. The genuine murderer is revealed just seconds before the culprit's death. Stranger's Meeting was held back from release until Robert Day's "official" directorial debut, The Green Man, had made the rounds.
Director of Photography
El científico John Rollason se une al implacable aventurero Tom Friend en la búsqueda del misterioso yeti. Cuando descubren que la criatura posee una gran inteligencia, la diferencia en la personalidad y la motivación de cada uno de los hombres, provoca un enfrentamiento entre ellos.
Two friends get drunk and decide to switch identities. One is a Parliamentary Secretary, and the other is the captain of a ship. The former's lack of sea knowledge causes several catastrophes, including torpedoing the First Lord of The Admiralty. The grass is always greener.... In this British comedy, two drunken comrades find out the truth of that saying when they decide to trade places for a while. One of the boozers is a public relations man who knows nothing about sailing, while the other is a captain for the Royal Navy. Comic mayhem ensues as the hapless "captain" tries to run his ship and follow orders.
A hotel porter is left a fortune but after living it up for a while he returns to his old place of work which is in financial difficulties.
Director of Photography
Bill Ramsbottom sells his English pub and drags his family off to Canada where he has inherited a ranch from his grandfather Wild Bill Ramsbottom. He ends up tangling with outlaw Black Jake, an Indian chief Blue Eagle, and the local law.
Director of Photography
The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
Director of Photography
An American airman inherits an Earldom in England along with the small matter of $3 million on the proviso that he gives up his US citizenship. Unsure if he is prepared to make the sacrifice he takes a trip with his two best friends to try our his new title, but will he be able to cope with the British aristocracy?
Director of Photography
An angel finds that she needs money to fulfill her mission on Earth. Her only solution to this problem is to pawn her harp.
In rural Norfolk, villagers are spurred to action when it is announced that the nearby RAF station is taking over the Island of Children, a much-loved and untouched bird sanctuary, for rocket practice.
Director of Photography
Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.
Director of Photography
The story leading up to the wedding of Lilli Marlene.
Director of Photography
Two years of deterioration sees John and Barbara Lomax's marriage reduced to bitter sniping and "keeping up appearances" for the sake of the children. When John's old friend Bill professes his love for Barbara, the marriage finally breaks up – causing their three children to react in different ways and their son secretly determined to do Bill harm.
In this delightful fantasy adventure, a mild-mannered writer of adventure stories for girls (Richard Hearne) finds himself presented with an intriguing proposition from an elderly fan (Margaret Rutherford). She suggests that they conspire to steal a secret whiskey formula from ruthless distillers, who themselves stole it from her family in years gone by. With the recipe back in hand however, it's not long before they attract attention from the Inspectors of Scotland Yard.
Director of Photography
The Brave Don't Cry aspires to the "feel" of a documentary, right down to the deliberate absence of background music. A mine in Scotland falls victim to a cave-in, trapping some one hundred workers. Rescue parties are formed as the tremulous families of the miners wait in agony. As in the actual incident upon which this film is based, the rescue is nip and tuck and times, but eventually successful. The faces of real-life Scottish mining folk are melded with the professional actors in The Brave Don't Cry, adding poignancy to this otherwise cut-and-dried film.
Camera Operator
When You Come Home was Randle’s seventh feature film, and sees him recount his life as a music hall odd job man to his grandaughter.
Camera Operator
Eileen Hannay (Dinah Sheridan) is the singing star of an Irish operatic society but gives up to marry Terry O'Keefe (John Bentley).
Camera Operator
Two brothers struggle for control of the family business in 19th century Yorkshire.
Director of Photography
This heartwarming British drama is based on Beth the Sheepdog, a novel by Ernest Lewis. The story concerns the efforts of various interested human parties to enter Beth in the All-England Dog Championship. When a farmer is unsuccessful in his efforts to purchase Beth for his own, he spitefully accuses the dog’s owner of sheep stealing.
Director of Photography
When a soldier returns from the Far East after the war, he and his wife have to adjust to life at home.
Camera Operator
Old Mother Riley and her daughter's true love, Dan, go in search of Kitty who has run off with her new boyfriend to a gambling den.
Director of Photography
A socialist inherits the ownership of a major firm and begins wrestling with his beliefs.
Camera Operator
Farmer Chris Lowe meets and falls in love with Molly , a chorus-girl. Despite the fact that she is a city girl through and through, she accepts his proposal of marriage and after the wedding goes to live on the farm. Chris realises that the transition for Molly will be difficult, and in an attempt to ease her into farm life, buys her a strawberry roan calf to look after. Unfortunately Molly finds the adjustment to rural life extremely difficult and does not settle down. She fails to integrate into the local community and starts to feel she has made a big mistake.
Camera Operator
A retired general helps out by sheltering some evacuees during WWII.
Director of Photography
A country girl goes to Paris to sing professionally, where she falls in love with a member of the British Embassy. They are parted by the outbreak of the Second World War, but subsequently reunited again...
Camera Operator
A patriotic, cinematic salvo, this wartime production tells the story of the owner of a shipbuilding company doing his best to contribute to the British fleet. War is good for business, but what will happen once the war is won? It was based on a novel by George Blake.
Camera Operator
Rodney Playfair is persuaded, by a promise to meet his gambling debts, to impersonate a manservant named Chapman at his fiancée's house...
Camera Operator
A night watchman is being bludgeoned, as a safe is cracked open in the offices of the District Food Controller. A list of wartime foods to be rationed is stolen, and the police fear gangsters are planning to sell the foods on the black market. As the office charwoman, Old Mother Riley's fingerprints are all over the safe, and she becomes the police's number one suspect. To prove her innocence, Mother Riley turns detective, adopting various methods and disguises to track down the villains.
Camera Operator
Nazi spies infiltrate a British film studio with the intention of sending coded messages in the films they produce.
Camera Operator
A London fishmonger helps a young woman evade her unwanted upcoming marriage by pretending to be her fiancé, a big game hunter from Africa. Comedy.
Camera Operator
Mother Riley takes over a circus on the point of closing down, and makes it a success.
Camera Operator
The Common Touch is a 1941 British drama film directed by John Baxter and starring Geoffrey Hibbert, Harry Welchman, Greta Gynt and Joyce Howard. On the death of his father, an eighteen-year old lad leaves school to take over the family firm in the City of London. Realising the other directors want to keep him in the dark he starts asking questions, and is soon undercover as a down-and-out in a hostel which will disappear if a company building project goes ahead.
Camera Operator
An inventor of a deadly weapon to be used against the allies is injured in a crash. Surgeon, Sir James (Sebastian Shaw) saves his life but learns of the inventors plot.
Director of Photography
James Harg and his father work in a steelmaking plant which is incompetently run, with scant attention being paid to worker safety. In his own time, Harg works on ideas for a revolutionary new manufacturing process for hard steel. When his father is badly injured in a workplace accident resulting from employer negligence, Harg uses some of the compensation payment to develop his invention to a stage where it can be tested in practice. It is a huge success and Harg patents his process. He rises to a position on the board of the company, before staging a coup to oust his former employer and take over the business himself.
Director of Photography
Jerry Mason inherits the Hotel Splendide at Speymouth but is disappointed when he sees it is a quiet place with few permanent residents. Gentleman Charlie, a jewel thief arrives after a long spell in prison expecting to be able to dig up the pearls he had buried - only to find the hotel has been built on the site.
Director of Photography
Early '30s British drama, starring Heather Angel, about a poor girl who achieves success as a fashion designer.
Director of Photography
Wealthy businessman F.X. Benedik, Head of the Rynox company, claims to have been receiving threats from a mysterious stranger named Boswell Marsh. Benedik is subsequently found murdered and the hunt is on for the elusive Marsh. Benedik's son Tony takes over the running of the business and tries to find some lead on Marsh, and why he should have borne a murderous grudge against Benedik Senior. His investigations lead him to the unexpected finding that Marsh never existed.
Assistant Director of Photography
Michel, a young sailor, returns home to Marseilles to find that his former lover, Francine, now works in the local brothel. In a jealous rage, he picks a fight with her and an aggressive client, Julot, leading to tragedy for all three.
A memorial slideshow about Arthur Grant.