Self - Nuremberg Trials Memorial Curator
En 1945, dos jóvenes soldados estadounidenses, los hermanos Budd y Stuart Schulberg, reciben el encargo de recopilar pruebas filmadas y grabadas de los horrores cometidos por el infame Tercer Reich para demostrar los crímenes de guerra nazis durante los juicios de Núremberg (1945-46). La historia de la realización de «Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy», un documental histórico de primer orden, estrenado en 1948.
Almost 1 million people in 22 countries carried out the unprovoked murder of 11 million innocent men, women and children. The Allies knew where a great many of the murderers could be found - Germany, Austria, Italy, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and numerous countries in South America. The Allies unanimously agreed to prosecute those responsible when they drew up The London Agreement in August 1945, but, after the late 1940s, these very same Allies did almost nothing. Why were so many were actively permitted to get away with their crimes?