Chris Hackett


The ISIS 'Beatles': Blood On Their Hands
The stories of the families of people who were killed on camera by members of a British Islamic State terror cell dubbed the Beatles. ITV's global security editor Rohit Kachroo spends time with Bethany Haines, Marsha and Carl Mueller, and Diane Foley and hears about their fight to bring the murderers to justice, while Spanish hostage and survivor Marc Marginedas provides first-hand testimony of life in the Syrian prison where he was held alongside many of those who later died.
The ISIS 'Beatles': Blood On Their Hands
The stories of the families of people who were killed on camera by members of a British Islamic State terror cell dubbed the Beatles. ITV's global security editor Rohit Kachroo spends time with Bethany Haines, Marsha and Carl Mueller, and Diane Foley and hears about their fight to bring the murderers to justice, while Spanish hostage and survivor Marc Marginedas provides first-hand testimony of life in the Syrian prison where he was held alongside many of those who later died.
Storming the Capitol: Asalto al Capitolio
El 6 de enero de 2021 el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos fue asaltado por partidarios del ya expresidente Donald Trump, justo cuando los legisladores formalizaban la elección de su sucesor, Joseph Biden. Horas antes, Trump, ya había incitado en un mitin a la multitud que luego derribó las puertas de los Salones del Congreso. Un equipo de reporteros británicos que estaba en el interior del edificio obtuvo imágenes únicas, exclusivas e impactantes de lo que sucedió. Cinco personas perdieron la vida en uno de los días más oscuros de la democracia estadounidense.