Dawie Engelbrecht

Dawie Engelbrecht


Dawie Engelbrecht
Dawie Engelbrecht
Dawie Engelbrecht


Under The Hanging Tree
Christina Mureti, an impetuous police officer from the city, is transferred to a small desert town in Namibia where she uncovers a series of grizzly animal sacrifices. Then a German farmer is found hung on the same tree where Christina’s ancestors were hung a century ago during Germany’s colonial war with the Herero. Only when Christina begins to learn about her people’s history and embraces some of its cultural wisdom is she able to solve the case.
En Namibia, un país donde la sodomía sigue siendo un delito y las relaciones homosexuales están estigmatizadas, dos vidas se cruzan: George, un corredor de seguros de clase media que vive en el centro de la ciudad, Windhoek, y Simeon, un vendedor de kapana que vive en Katutura, en el municipio de Windhoek. Dos secretos. Un encuentro improbable en un bar.