Production Design
“Respect for the vanquished”, remarks Steve “is what separates man from beast.” As a champion in Swiss-style wrestling, Steve knows a thing or two about observing codes of combat. But when his family farm faces repossession, he is forced to join hands with his ex-convict brother Joel and enter the lucrative, clandestine world of no-rules fighting.
Production Design
The Polish woman Wanda, 35, looks after Joseph, 70, in his family villa by the lake. She is there for him around the clock and also helps his wife Elsa, 75. The youngest son Gregi, 28, likes her very much. The work is poorly paid, but Wanda needs the money for her own family in Poland. Since everyone lives under one roof, Wanda gets an intimate view of their family life. So intimate that Wanda unexpectedly becomes pregnant.
Production Design
La vida de Motti, presionado para casarse con una mujer judía ortodoxa, da un vuelco al enamorarse de su compañera de clase. Algo que su madre nunca verá con buenos ojos.
Production Design
Max es huérfano y desde el hogar donde se encuentra lo envían a la finca de los Bösiger. Sus padres sustitutos lo utilizan como mano de obra barata en la granja; mientras que Jakob, el hijo del matrimonio, no pierde cada oportunidad para humillarlo. Tocar el acordeón es la única cosa que es enteramente suya y su amistad con Berteli, a la que también han llevado a trabajar con los Bösiger, es lo único que preserva su voluntad de sobrevivir. Juntos sueñan huir del maltrato y trasladarse a Argentina: un mundo de fantasía, donde supuestamente todo está hecho de plata. (FILMAFFINITY)