Chris Johnson

Nacimiento : 2018-05-01,


Gerald's Hands
Gerald's Hands is a movie about a man on the spectrum who is at risk of losing his norms and his love interest after an unexpected loss. It explores autism, loneliness, death, grief, morality, compassion, love, family, and friendship.
Art Department Production Assistant
Chuck Noland, un ejecutivo de la empresa multinacional de mensajería FedEx, se ve apartado de su cómoda vida y de su prometida a causa de un accidente de avión por el que queda aislado de la civilización en una remota isla tropical. Único superviviente y solo en la isla, tras cuatro años de subsistencia Chuck aprende todas las técnicas de supervivencia mientras sufre la tortura de la soledad. La solución: arriesgar la vida adentrándose mar adentro.
The Criminal
Jasper Rawlins, a none-too-successful musician, finds himself chatting with a beautiful woman at his neighborhood bar. She goes home with him, direct and frank in answer to his nervousness. During the night, someone breaks into his flat and cuts her throat. He runs into the arms of the police, who dismiss his story, but release him while they search for the weapon. He investigates the crime, and over the next few days, meets a knowing pornographer, hit men, and other schemers. As dead bodies pile up wherever he goes, the police are soon looking for him with guns drawn. As he discovers secrets about a shadowy corporation, the police close in. Can he find someone to trust?