Richard Whorf

Richard Whorf

Nacimiento : 1906-06-04, Winthrop, Massachusetts, USA

Muerte : 1966-12-14


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Richard Whorf (June 4, 1906 – December 14, 1966) was an American actor, author, director, and designer. Richard was born in Winthrop, Massachusetts to Harry and Sarah (Lee) Whorf. Richards's older brother was the well-known American linguist, Benjamin Lee Whorf. Whorf began his acting career on the Boston stage as a teenager then moving to Broadway when he was 21. Early on, he was in a production of Taming of the Shrew at the Globe Theatre in New York City. He moved to Hollywood and became a contract player in movies of the 1930s and 1940s before becoming a director in 1944. He appeared in Christmas Holiday (1944), Blues in the Night (1941), Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), and Keeper of the Flame (1942). He directed a number of television programs in the 1950s and 1960s, the best known being the CBS hit comedy The Beverly Hillbillies. He also directed the short-lived 1959 syndicated adventure series, Border Patrol, and the 1964-65 television series, Mickey. Whorf directed the unsuccessful 1961 stage comedy, Julia, Jake and Uncle Joe. Whorf's hobby was painting - he sold his first painting at age 15 for US$100. Many of his small town landscape paintings reflected his American worldview and seemed to be inspired by painters like Grant Wood and Norman Rockwell. In the 17 March 1963 TV Channels syndicated rotogravure newspaper magazine, his painting career was profiled and his studio photographed. For the article, he told a reporter, "Who says that a man has to do one thing? Description above from the Wikipedia article Richard Whorf, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Richard Whorf


Bombarderos B-52
Guerra Fría. Desde que realizaron un vuelo de prueba en la guerra de Corea (1950-1953), el sargento Chuck Brennan (Karl Malden), mecánico de aviones, no le tiene ninguna simpatía al célebre piloto Jim Herlihy (Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.). Pero Brennan tiene ahora un motivo más importante para detestarlo: Jim tiene un romance con su hija (Natalie Wood). Pero los conflictos personales o domésticos no pueden en modo alguno perturbar las relaciones entre hombres que tienen la obligación de estar preparados incluso en tiempos de paz. La puesta a punto de un nuevo avión: el Stratofortress B-52 de 200 toneladas, exige que el trabajo de equipo sea perfecto.
Shoot-Out At Medicine Bend
In Medicine Bend, a crooked businessman has the town mayor and sheriff in his pocket while his henchmen raid the wagon trains passing through the region.
Colinas ardientes
Trace Jordan trabaja como cuidador de ganado para Sutton, un propietario de numerosas reses. Una tarde encuentra a su hermano Johnny muerto, con un disparo en la espalda. Cuando descubre que ha sido asesinado, intenta pedir ayuda al ejército. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Groom Wore Spurs
Pretty female attorney Abigail "AJ" Furnival is hired to keep high-flying cowboy movie star Ben Castle out of trouble in Las Vegas. Despite his many faults, Abigail falls in love with and marries Ben, with the hope that she can mold him into the virtuous hero he plays on the screen.
Champagne for Caesar
When jobless genius Beauregard Bottomley interviews with Burnbridge Waters for a position at Waters' soap company, the owner rudely turns Bottomley down. As revenge, Bottomley enters a TV quiz show that Waters' company sponsors, with the goal of winning until he bankrupts the businessman. When Bottomley keeps acing the questions, becoming a media sensation, Waters desperately calls on vixen Flame O'Neal to uncover Bottomley's area of weakness.
Un rayo en el cielo
Carl Troxell
Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un piloto de bombarderos pasa a trabajar como piloto de pruebas para un fabricante de reactores. Una mujer se interpone en su camino y le complica la vida.
Adorable coqueta
Polly Bradford, la hija de un capitán de crucero de lujo, viaja como polizonte en el barco de su padre. El objetivo de la chica es encontrar una nueva pareja para él, viudo desde hace tiempo, antes de que termine el trayecto.
Al filo de las nueve
Cecily Harrington, luchando por una pequeña asignación, gana una fortuna en la lotería. En lugar de casarse con su novio, decide emprender un viaje. Un extraño, Manuel Cortez, viene a alquilar su casa y ella se enamora de él. Se casan y se van de luna de miel a una mansión aislada, sin percatarse que su flamante marido es un cazafortunas con varias esposas asesinadas en su haber.
It Happened in Brooklyn
Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School, and get a job as a singer in a music store. He also meets Leo, a talented pianist and his teacher Anne, whose dream is to singing Opera. When Jamie arrives from England, Danny tries to show him the Brooklyn experience and help him compose modern swing music. Together, these four also try to help Leo get the Brooklyn Music scholarship.
Hasta que las nubes pasen
Biografía del compositor Jerome Kern a través de distintos números musicales, que van recreando su trayectoria profesional desde sus duros inicios en Nueva York, hasta su triunfo en 1927.
The Sailor Takes a Wife
Un marinero y una camarera se conocen y se casan en la misma noche; la desilusión aparece ya al día siguiente.
The Hidden Eye
A perfumed message provides the only clue for a blind detective bent on clearing a man accused of murder.
Blonde Fever
Chef (uncredited)
Delilah es la joven camarera de un restaurante. El dueño se siente fuertemente atraído por ella, pero Delilah sólo le hace caso porque está obsesionada con conseguir dinero.
Blonde Fever
Delilah es la joven camarera de un restaurante. El dueño se siente fuertemente atraído por ella, pero Delilah sólo le hace caso porque está obsesionada con conseguir dinero.
Luz en el alma
Simon Fenimore
Jackie Lamont (Deanna Durbin), la joven cantante de un club privado, le cuenta al teniente Charles Mason las dificultades de su matrimonio con el aristócrata sureño Robert Manette (Gene Kelly), un hombre de carácter inestable, al que se acusa de haber asesinado a su jefe
The Impostor
Lt. Varenne
The story concerns a condemned murderer named Clement (Jean Gabin), who is "liberated" when the Nazis bomb the French jail that holds him. During his escape, Clement comes across the body of a French soldier; he steals the dead man's uniform and identification papers, then hides from the law by joining the Resistance movement. Clement's new identity and purpose in life reforms him, and in due time he has sacrificed himself in service of his country.
La cruz de Lorena
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de soldados franceses se entregan a las tropas nazis con la promesa de que desertarán y podrán marcharse a su hogar. Sin embargo, los alemanes no cumplen su palabra y les internan en un campo de prisioneros.
For God and Country
Arnold Miller
The story of the U.S. Army Chaplain Service as dramatized in the stories of three chaplains, Father Michael O'Keefe, Arnold Miller, and Tom Manning.
La llama sagrada
Clive Kerndon
Un notable periodista (Spencer Tracy) quiere publicar un homenaje a un respetado y admirado patriota muerto en un accidente de coche. Hepburn es la viuda del hombre sobre el que Tracy quiere escribir.
Assignment in Brittany
Jean Kerenor
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
March On, America!
The story of America from the Pilgrims in 1620 to the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Americans always working for freedom.
Juke Girl
Danny Frazier
During the depths of the Great Depression a hitch-hiker Steve Talbot and jukebox-joint hostess Lola Mears stumble into Cat-Tail Florida where farmers and pickers struggle under the buyer who rules by monopoly, dirty contracts and violence. Steve helps organize against the buyer, leading to further escalation ending in a lynch mob.
Yanqui Dandy
Sam Harris
La biografía del bailarín de vodevil George M. Cohan, creador del himno norteamericano ”Over There”, sirvió de base para este musical donde Cagney pudo demostrar sus grandes dotes para el baile. La obra, aunque se trata de una comedia, tiene un importante trasfondo de propaganda bélica ya que está realizada en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.
Blues in the Night
Jigger Pine
A struggling band find themselves attached to a fugitive and drawn into a series of old feuds and love affairs, as they try to stay together and find musical success.
Llamada a un asesino
Arthur Weldon
Una juicio da un giro sorprendente cuando Edward Weldom, presidente del jurado, tiene que dar el voto decisivo en un caso que podría significar la muerte para una joven juzgada por asesinato. La decisión que toma causa un gran revuelo en la prensa. A pesar de sufrir todo tipo de presiones por parte de los periodistas, Edward se mantiene firme y declara que si las circunstancias fueran otras, incluso si se tratase de un miembro de su propia familia, su voto sería exactamente el mismo. Sin embargo, no sospecha que poco después su hija Stella pasará a ser el centro de atención por un caso similar, aunque en esta ocasión se trate del asesinato de un gangster...