Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
Gen. Andrew Harvey
El Senador Cartwright ha sido enviado a París para llevar a cabo ciertas investigaciones sobre la conducta de los soldados americanos que desempeñan sus funciones en Francia. Ya en el país, solicita la ayuda del embajador americano, cuya hija se encargará de mostrarle la ciudad a la hija del Senador. Durante ese paseo, el descubrimiento del amor puede cambiar substanciamente el futuro de la joven.
Matt Comfort
Ben Mattews decide abandonar su azarosa vida de jugador a bordo de un barco para asentarse con su novia Zoe en Galena. Pero, cuando Ben es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido, se ve forzado a huir de la ciudad. Al cabo de muchos años, decide regresar para encontrarse con Zoe, pero, sobre todo para encontrar al culpable y limpiar su nombre.
John Ringling North
Mike Ribble es uno de los pocos trapecistas que ha conseguido hacer el triple salto mortal. Sin embargo, tras sufrir un accidente con el trapecio, se vio obligado a trabajar como tramoyista en el circo. Tino, el hijo del gran trapecista Orsini, lo busca para que le enseñe a ejecutar el triple salto. Desgraciadamente, entre los dos se interpone Lola, cuyo único afán es triunfar en el circo sirviéndose de su belleza.
Judge Thatcher
This made-for-TV production originally aired on the "Climax!" show and opened up its second season. Huck and his buddy Tom Sawyer become blood brothers right before Huck takes off down the Mississippi River to try and get away from his abusive father. Along his journey Huck comes across a wide range of characters including The Duke.
Jason Carr
John Stewart trata de establecer la ley y el orden en su pequeña localidad de Arizona, sin hacer uso de la violencia. Sin embargo, su vecino Wick Campbell no es de la misma opinión, y desea contratar los servicios de un pistolero.
Cyrus Mackey
Johnny Tracy, son of veteran race driver Pop Tracy, is working his way up on the racing circuit, but is urged by his sweetheart, Marcy Parker, to give up the track if he wants to marry her. He persuades her to marry him on the promise that he will quit after racing once in the Indianapolis 500, but he is injured in a qualifying race and goes to work as a spark plug salesman for Mackey, an old family friend. He is a failure at selling but Marcy changes her attitude towards his racing, and he qualifies for the 500.
Joe Morrison
Hubo un tiempo en que Margaret Elliott fue una rutilante estrella de Hollywood, pero en la actualidad está arruinada y nadie se acuerda de ella; pero Margaret se niega a aceptarlo. Sólo el apoyo de su hija Gretchen y de Jim, un joven actor, podrá ayudarla a a salir del pozo en el que está sumida
Scratchy Wilson
Two short films released together under a collective title. The first, "Secret Sharer", directed by John Brahm and starring James Mason, is based on a short story by Joseph Conrad. The second tale, "Bride Comes to Yellow Sky", directed by Bretaigne Windust and starring Robert Preston, is adapted from Stephen Crane's short story.
Matt Denbow
Denbow es el hijo de un rico ganadero de Texas que mata a un hombre desarmado. Con el fin de evitar la horca se casa con una camarera testigo del crimen, que al descubrir que ha sido utilizada tratará por todos los medios de hacer valer la verdad de los hechos.
Dr. Carver
In this Cold War drama, a woman suspects her son is a Communist spy.
Cyrus Graydon
A belly dancer causes a scandal with her suggestive dancing at a Worlds Fair exhibition at the turn of the 20th century.
Mr. Paterson
En el norte de África, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al Sargento Larry Nevins lo alcanza una bala, disparada por un francotirador alemán, que lo está dejando ciego.
Harold P. Cleveland
Cuando la empresa en la que trabaja decide jubilarlo, John Hodges sufre una auténtica conmoción, pues a sus 65 años cree que todavia puede ser util. Además, en su casa nadie se preocupa por él; por otra parte, las tradicionales actividades de las personas de su edad no le gustan. Así las cosas, decide hacerse pasar por Harold Cleveland, un directivo de su empresa, y emprender un viaje de inspección para realizar cambios en una filial. Los problemas surgen cuando la ex-mujer de su jefe empieza a sentirse atraida por él.
Judge O'Neil
El capitán es un hombre encantador querido por todos sus vecinos. Lo que ellos no saben es que él también es el señor 880 , un falsificador que ha logrado sorprendentemente eludir el servicio secreto durante 20 años
Branch Rickey, President Brooklyn Dodgers
Biography of Jackie Robinson, the first black major league baseball player in the 20th century. Traces his career in the negro leagues and the major leagues.
Judge Calvin H. Blackwell
Una misteriosa mujer inicia un romance con el fiscal de distrito. Él intuye que ella le oculta algo, y sus sospechas se confirman con el hallazgo de un cadáver.
Rosa (Bette Davis), la insatisfecha esposa de Lewis Moline (Cotten), un bondadoso médico de pueblo, es una mujer ambiciosa y sin escrúpulos que no se detendrá ante nada con tal de lograr su propósito: acostarse con el rico industrial Neil Latimer (David Brian) e irse a vivir con él a Chicago. Para conseguirlo utiliza todos los medios a su alcance: el engaño, la traición y el crimen.
Gen. Watkins
Red Skelton plays Aubrey Filmore, a feather-brained but lovable bellboy who dreams of becoming an agent for the Union's secret service during the Civil War.
Sheriff Ed Grayson
Lassie es llamada a filas cuando estalla la II Guerra Mundial, y tras un duro entrenamiento realiza acciones heroicas en el frente. Pero su carácter ahora es diferente...
Mr. Harper
A juvenile delinquent is sent to a rehabilitation ranch, but he immediately proves to be a troublemaker.
Uncle Jack
War hero flier Bob Collins goes on a war bond selling tour with two buddies, and substitute "chaperone" Ivy Hotchkiss. Bob's a cheerful Lothario with several girls in every town on the tour. After some amusing escapades, Bob and Ivy become romantically involved, agreeing it's "just fun up in the air." Then Ivy finds out the real reason why it shouldn't be anything more.
En pleno Valle de San Fernando, en California, Isabel, está tratando de reinventarse a si misma. Una bruja ingenua y buena persona, está dispuesta a desactivar sus poderes y llevar una vida normal.
Maj. Gen. McKay
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el comandante Joppolo es destinado con su unidad a una población italiana para que se encargue de tomar posiciones. A pesar de su misión, poco a poco terminará implicándose en la vida de ese pueblo siciliano.
Col. Caleb V. Haynes
Biografía de Robert L. Scott, afamado piloto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se enfrentó a muerte con su mortífero enemigo, el aviador japonés conocido como Tokyo Joe.
Sam Ronson
Las personas fuera de la ley vienen y van en las vidas de Nick y Nora. Ahora es el momento de conocerlos como parientes. Los elegantes detectives dejan al pequeño Nick Jr. en la escuela, cogen a Asta y se van a Sycamore Springs, lugar de la infancia de Nick.
Superior Officer (uncredited)
Johnny Cabot es un ídolo de la canción que se enrola en la Marina pensando en vivir nuevas y emocionantes aventuras en alta mar. Sin embargo, se verá enredado por dos hermanas gemelas teniendo que pasar por cómicas situaciones.
R. P. (Phineas) Moody
A love triangle occurs between the publisher's daughter Betty Moody. comic book artist Tim Jones, and the company's wily manipulative manager Hilton Payne. In addition, Betty's dad, Phineas Moody suffers from severe melancholy; and an emergency cure of laughter is required to save his health.
Frederick Gordon
A criminal psychologist tries to help a beautiful heiress going mad in a haunted mansion.
Dave Colby
When a Texas playboy is murdered in a New York City nightclub the Falcon investigates. When he learns that the victim was slipped rattlesnake venom, the trail leads to Texas, his own kidnapping and near death.
Ramsey Kent
Henry and his pal Dizzy become Boy Scout leaders, but a spoiled brat in their troop quickly proves to cause them no end of trouble.
Judge Colvin
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Mr. Washburn
La princesa María, que visita de incógnito Nueva York, decide volar hasta San Francisco. Sin embargo, después de aterrizar el avión, una serie de enredos la llevan a pasar la noche en casa del piloto, que está convencido de que es una simple criada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Capt. Scott
Sergeants flirt with a nurse aboard ship and go fishing for a Japanese Sub.
Rear Adm. Williams (uncredited)
Mientras transporta mercancías para sus aliados rusos una nave de mercante americana capitaneada por Raymond Massey es torpedeada. El valor de Massey y su primer oficial Humphrey Bogart sirve como una inspiración a los sobrevivientes que llevan su diminuto bote salvavidas a América donde son recibidos como héroes. A la tripulación se le asigna un nuevo Liberty Ship. A pesar de los miedos de ser torpedeados de nuevo, Massey, Bogart, y los otros hombres llevan su carga con éxito a Rusia a pesar de ser atacados por varios aviones alemanes en el proceso.
Loy Henderson
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Adm. Bob Stewart
Al teniente Ward Stewart y a su equipo les han asignado una importante misión dentro del submarino Albacore. Investigan a un pequeño barco que resulta ser un Q-ship nazi. Los miembros del Albacore consiguen escapar de la emboscada, pero cuando llegan a Nueva Londres, Stewart y el capitán del submarino se ven envueltos en un triángulo amoroso que afectará a la misión más peligrosa que jamás hayan tenido que afrontar en toda su vida.
John Cleveland Carter (uncredited)
During WWII, the publisher of the isolationist New York Gazette is murdered just as he was about to change the paper's policy and support the US war effort. His friend, a small town patriotic editor, is brought in to find the culprits.
Col Wallace E. Grayson
Guadalcanal sigue a un entregado pelotón de marines a través de los horrores de la guerra en el sur del pacífico. Soldados que no sólo luchan contra el enemigo, sino también contra la enfermedad, un terreno peligroso y un clima implacable.
Buck Ware
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Christopher Winters
Crónica del típico niño rico de familia bien que se alista en los Marines y pondrá a prueba la paciencia de sus superiores hasta lo indecible. Al final se convertirá en un excelente soldado, al tiempo que intentará conquistar a una guapa enfermera.
Warden George Booth
Un gánster, próximo a morir en la cárcel, comienza a rememorar su vida. Condenado cuatro veces, la última fue a cadena perpetua, aunque era inocente. El culpable de todo ello fue un famoso abogado convertido en gánster que lo contrató para un atraco a cambio de una gran suma.
La biografía del bailarín de vodevil George M. Cohan, creador del himno norteamericano ”Over There”, sirvió de base para este musical donde Cagney pudo demostrar sus grandes dotes para el baile. La obra, aunque se trata de una comedia, tiene un importante trasfondo de propaganda bélica ya que está realizada en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
District Attorney Orville Beamish
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
William J. Harding
Ésta es la primera película de la famosa pareja formada por Spencer Tracy y Katharine Hepburn. Él es un periodista deportivo, ella, una periodista política que necesita que le recuerden los placeres simples de la vida. Una inteligente comedia de lucha de sexos llena de química y encanto.
Sam Winters
Melodrama que narra la historia de la ciudad de King's Row a finales del siglo pasado. La película, que consta de tres partes, cuenta la vida de cinco niños y sus esfuerzos por salir adelante.
Senator Smith
George Custer (Errol Flynn) llega a la Academia de West Point lleno de arrogancia y vanidad. Su carácter indisciplinado le ocasionará numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), es enviado al frente. Terminada la guerra, se casa con Beth (Olivia de Havilland), pero pronto le asignan un nuevo destino: la guerra contra los indios. Al frente del Séptimo de Caballería, el Teniente Coronel Custer se enfrentará a los indios de Caballo Loco. La campaña termina con la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn (Montana, 1876).
Henri Lambert
Jeff crece cerca de Basin Street, en Nueva Orleans, tocando el clarinete en el muelle de estibadores. Forma una banda, La Basin Street Hot-Shots, que incluye a Memphis, un trompetista. Sufren para que su música jazz sea aceptada en los cafés de la ciudad. Betty Lou, una cantante, se une a la banda y consigue conciertos para ésta. Jeff y Memphis se enamoran de Betty Lou.
Uncle Jefferson Davis Bethany
New York chorus girl Cindy Lou Bethany becomes frustrated when she prepares for an audition for a Broadway musical, but the auditions close and her roommate, Gwen Abbott, is hired to be secretary to Top Rumson, the show's financial backer. Gwen tells Cindy that the director, Lloyd Lloyd, and composer, Dick Rayburn, have been sent to the South on a talent search for a classic Southern belle type to star in the show, although their shows usually feature Myra Stanhope, an actress whose style is hopelessly inappropriate for this show. Desperate for work, Cindy returns to her aunt Lily Lou and uncle Jefferson Davis Bethany's home in the South and schemes to get Lloyd and Rayburn to audition her.
Sheriff Nickerson
As he looks over the dusty, deserted remains of the western "boom town" of Panamint, grizzled old prospector Chuckawalla Bill Redfield (Ruggles) recalls the town's glory days. Looming large in Chuckawalla's reminiscences is the day that young and apparently mild-mannerd minister Philip Pharo (Phillip Terry) rode into town. In his own gentle but forceful fashion, Pharo managed to bring the town's lawless element into line, mollify the local bluenoses, and win the heart of likeable dance-hall girl Mary Mallory (Ellen Drew).
Mr. Jim Reynolds
After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay (Betty Grable) and Barbara Latimer (Carole Landis), waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan (Charlotte Greenwood), the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil (Don Ameche) and Jeff (Robert Cummings), who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.
Arthur Barret
An assistant prosecutor and his spunky friend investigate a suddenly hot case.
Judge Pulver
Un muchacho va al patíbulo por un crimen que no cometió. Los verdaderos culpables se ocupan de la hermana del difunto y la sumergen en la prostitución. Un científico reclama el cuerpo del difunto para realizar unos experimentos y logra trasplantar su cerebro al cuerpo de un gorila el cual recuerda todo su pasado humano y comienza una venganza contra los villanos.
Pat Grogan
Edward Creighton, ingeniero de la compañía telegráfica Western Union, se encarga de dirigir la instalación de una línea a través de los territorios del Oeste. Ayudado por su hermana Sue, recluta a los trabajadores en los pueblos más cercanos. Pero, como la región es peligrosa y está infestada de indios, la empresa tiene que ofrecer sueldos elevados para contratar al personal.
Barton Newbold
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Clem Bowdry
Dos vaqueros van en ayuda de una ciudad que se encuentra bajo el control de un cacique malvado.
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Ed Colby
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
Jesse Allen
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Joshua Speed
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
Sheriff Robert McLane
Lora Travers is the only person who can identify hold-up artist The Llano Kid and she persuades him to come in on a scheme with her and her husband. They have been searching for the long-lost son of a rich Mexican widow and they get the Kid to claim it is him. All goes according to plan until greed and jealousy raise their heads.
Burton Lawson
A scientist invents a television device called the Iconoscope. Foreign agents hear about it and try to steal it.
The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
Charles Coulton AKA Clifford Mussey
Newspaper editor (Foster) will do almost anything to increase circulation. He campaigns to free a condemned man while accusing a wealthy ex-criminal of a string of murders.
Prosecuting Attorney
Wisecracking showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself trapped in a Wyoming town when her new employer closes the show prematurely. She meets ranch foreman Charles "Slim" Martin when he accuses her of lifting his wallet and ends up being hired as a maid for ranch owners Cliff and Sybil, who are attempting to mend their rocky marriage after Sybil's infidelity with a cowboy.
Capt. Duffy
A cop pretends to be a crook in order to catch a gang of outlaws. The bad guys run a night club as a front. The cop's sister helps him by singing there; otherwise, she's busy making love to a military cadet.
Terry Archer
En esta sexta entrega, los Harvey heredan dos millones de dólares y se mudan a Detroit. Allí Andy (Mickey Rooney) se enamora locamente de una corista (Virginia Grey).
Airport Personnel Manager
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Capt. Brandy
Adaptación de novela homónima de Mark Twain. Amante de la libertad sin ataduras de ningún tipo -¡ni siquiera la de los zapatos!-, el joven Huckleberry Finn (Mickey Rooney), aprovecha la circunstancia de que, su irresponsable padre, quiere chantajear al par de hermanas con las que ahora vive, decide escapar de casa y en el camino se encuentra a Jim (Rex Ingram), el sirviente de casa que también ha escapado, pues, ansía la libertad para reencontrarse con su familia. Como un par de fugitivos, juntos van a vivir una serie de aventuras, donde el resto de la sociedad parecerá estar contra ellos.
U.S. Marshal Cole
En 1840, un rico empresario del ferrocarril contrata a un hombre para investigar una ruta por la que cree se están transportando esclavos.
Charles MacFarland
Newspaperman (Whalen) looks into the deaths of bond-carriers while romancing a show girl (Rogers).
Barney Donovan
Tom Terry (Wallace Beery) es un ex veterinario eternamente ebrio. Un aspirante a jinete, Mickey, (Mickey Rooney) idolatra a Tom, quien se encargará de salvar a su caballo.
Conmovido al escuchar la historia de un convicto que inició su carrera delictiva siendo un niño al que nadie dio una oportunidad, el padre Flanagan (Spencer Tracy) dedice construir la Ciudad de los Muchachos, un lugar donde los jóvenes conflictivos puedan convivir, trabajar y labrarse un futuro honrado. Allí acude a la fuerza Withey Marsh (Mickey Rooney), un joven rebelde que parece un caso perdido y que está decidido a seguir los pasos de su hermano Joe (Edward Norris), líder de una banda de delincuentes.
Col. Denby
Prep football star Jimmy Howal gets a reception far different from what he expected when he enters West Point.
Steve Langner
Un matrimonio librero aficionado a las historias detectivescas intenta ayudar a un amigo en aclarar un crimen de un rival también librero
Dr. MacConaghey
Comedy about a weak husband, afraid to say "no" to his new wife, who realizes he must assert himself to save his marriage.
Captain Griggs
Ohio, 1840. Un pastor llega a una pequeña comunidad dispuesto a ofrecer sus servicios espirituales, y encuentra a unas gentes mezquinas e incapaces de aceptar cualquier síntoma de progreso. El hijo del pastor se rebela contra esta situación y marcha a Baltimore para estudiar medicina. Cuando estalla la Guerra Civil Americana, el muchacho se alista en el frente.
Dr. Smith
A clever veterinarian repairs a horse's leg so the animal can run in a big race and save a man's farm.
Lt. Milburn
Tres jóvenes que ingresan por distintos motivos en la Academia Naval comparten su afición por el fútbol americano, lo que ayuda a cimentar su amistad.
Doc Thomas
College football player is expelled for ticket scalping, and teams up with reporter to expose his school's hypocrisy.
Clark Tilden
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
Mr. Griswald
En una calle de Nueva York, la miseria y la delincuencia conviven con la riqueza de los inquilinos de un lujoso bloque de apartamentos. Inevitablemente esos agudos contrastes acabarán desencadenando tensiones entre los dos mundos.
In World War I France, a pilot falls in love with the wife of his friend and superior officer.
Some shady characters discover that a sad sack nightclub bus boy has the ability to predict outcomes of races and other events through astrology.
Love with a clerk and a robbery by gangsters preoccupy a department store's new owner.
Jonathan Hill
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
Cmmdre. Briggs
Commodore Fitzhugh, an old retired naval officer, lives at the Annapolis Naval Academy and, unhappy with the "modern" navy, likes to talk about his days in the "old" navy, especially about his part in the Battle of Manila Bay under Adm. Dewey during the Spanish-American War, when he commanded the USS Congress. That ship, now decommissioned and docked in Annapolis harbor, is--unknown to Fitzhugh--about to be towed out to sea to be used for target practice. When Fitzhugh finds this out, he sets out to either save his beloved vessel or "go down with his ship".
"Mitch" Mitchell is an aviator who has been hired to take a child in a guardianship suit out of California into Mexico. He is accompanied by Maxine Rush, the secretary of the head of a private-detective agency who has been hired to care for the kid until the suit is over. (Overview written by Les Adams )
A cook in a railroad construction camp inherits $500,000. She pretends to be English royalty and barges into the New York social scene.
Mr. Adams
Un editor de libros vive con su mujer y su hijo pequeño, pero ella decide divorciarse y abandona a su familia por un millonario. Algún tiempo después, la ambiciosa mujer intentará conseguir, con la ayuda de su suegra, la custodia del niño.
Kenneth Marvin
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
Clark Lewis
A gambler hires a detective to investigate when a murder is committed in his casino.
Insp. Renard
Charlie's visit to Paris, ostensibly a vacation, is really a mission to investigate a bond-forgery racket. But his agent, apache dancer Nardi is killed before she can tell him much. The case, complicated by a false murder accusation for banker's daughter Yvette, climaxes with a strange journey through the Paris sewers.
Paul 'Paulivus' F. Reisling
Middle aged George F. Babbitt is a leading citizen in the town of Zenith, the fastest growing community in America according to its town sign. George is a large part of that growth as a property developer and realtor. He is lovingly married to his wife Myra, the two who have two children, Ted and Verona who are approaching adulthood. George has always had a fearless attitude, much like that of a naive child, which has led to his business success. He encounters some personal stresses when he faces what he believes is a potential home-wrecking issue, and when his oldest friend Paul and his wife Zilla deal with domestic problems. These stresses make George want to provide even more to his own family, leading to George agreeing to participate in a less than scrupulous but lucrative business dealing. George's bravura gets him into a potential scandal. This situation makes him question his general behavior, especially toward his family.
Colonel Sherwood
Lederer is a Hessian soldier who defects to the Americans during the Revolutionary War.He falls in love with a Yankee girl, but a thuggish local militiaman jealously makes things hard for him while he's a prisoner of war.
David Melbourn
A nightclub singer is carrying on an affair with a married man. When she is found murdered, her lover is suspected of the crime.
Charles Watson
"You're worth your weight in gold!" This is what Charles Watson, a young spendthrift, told every girl he met. His father threatened to disown him unless he would marry a girl and settle down, and if he married inside of thirty days.
Arthur and Ben are friendly rivals for the hand of Celia. Celia, however, prefers Ben and tries to discourage Arthur. Arthur is a little bit peeved when the girl he loves passes him up for Ben, and the soldier of love determines that revenge will be sweet. That afternoon Arthur borrows his sister's dress and makes Ben take him for a ride in his roadster. Of course Celia sees Ben with the supposed lady and proceeds to get jealous. You can imagine the surprise and humiliation Celia suffers when at "Patricola's Tango Tea" she finds a photograph of Ben with the lady of the afternoon.
Day by Day film
Jack Fuller
Love Incognito