Mary Kathryn Nagle


Predator: La presa
Associate Producer
Ambientada hace 300 años en la Nación Comanche. Naru es una joven guerrera, feroz y altamente hábil, que se crió a la sombra de algunos de los cazadores más legendarios que deambulan por las Grandes Llanuras. Cuando el peligro amenaza su campamento, se dispone a proteger a su gente. La presa a la que acecha y, en última instancia, se enfrenta, resulta ser un depredador alienígena evolucionado con un arsenal técnicamente avanzado, lo que deriva en un enfrentamiento cruel y aterrador entre los dos adversarios.
In this timely world-premiere drama by celebrated playwright, activist and attorney Mary Kathryn Nagle, past and present intertwine. Nagle’s story illuminates the tragic consequences of commercial exploits, including the removal of Native people and the attempted eradication of their culture, that gave rise to the America we know today. Securities trader Jane Snake is torn between worlds. Her return to Wall Street in 2008 brings her to Manahatta (“island of many hills” in Lenape), the homeland her ancestors were violently forced to leave in the 1600s. Meanwhile, her family in Oklahoma struggles to save their language, their culture and their over-mortgaged home. Jane Snake’s return to Manahatta defiantly demonstrates that the Lenape are still here.