Martyn Hesford


La Sra. Lowry e hijo
Un retrato íntimo de la relación entre uno de los más grandes artistas del siglo XX, L.S. Lowry y su madre infeliz y controladora, Elizabeth, con quien vivió toda su vida.
The Old Curiosity Shop
En el corazón de Londres, la pequeña Nell Trent (Sophie Vavasseur), huérfana de padres, vive con su adorado abuelo (Sir Derek Jacobi) en la tienda de antigüedades que éste tiene a su nombre. Allí, tesoros recubiertos de polvo cubren las paredes y las estanterías que adornan el lugar. Un día, Quilp (Toby Jones), un malhechor usurero, golpea la puerta de la tienda, inquiriendo malhumorado la parte del dinero que el abuelo de Nell le debe. El abuelo es un jugador compulsivo que, con el tiempo, se ha endeudado de tal manera que Quilp quiere apoderarse de la tienda de antigüedades. Sin saber muy bien qué hacer, la joven Nell y su abuelo tratan de huir de la ciudad, no encontrando nunca una clara escapatoria, ya que Quilp sigue fácilmente la pista a estos dos escapistas.
Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall
Jessie Wallace stars in this BBC drama based on the turbulent life and times of Marie Lloyd, known as the 'Queen of the Music Hall', who was famous at the turn of the 20th century not just for her performances on stage but also for her riotous behaviour off it. Lloyd's love life and outrageous conduct made her a target for the rising tabloid newspapers of the time. The film includes some of Lloyd's most famous songs, including 'My Old Man Said Follow the Van' and her theme song 'A Little of What You Fancy Does You Good'.
Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa!
Kenneth Williams was the star of the Carry Ons and Round the Horne. Despite his fame, he led a life full of mental torture as he tried to overcome his homosexuality in 1950s Britain. This film follows his life and eventual death based on the many diaries he kept
Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Adaptación del relato homónimo del escritor británico R.L. Stevenson que trata sobre la dualidad de la naturaleza humana. El doctor Jekyll, un científico cuyo prestigio es reconocido por toda la comunidad científica, se propone encontrar una fórmula que permita aislar los componentes criminales de la conducta humana. La experimenta en sí mismo e, intoxicado por el fármaco, sufre una monstruosa transformación. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
Adaptation of the Dickens novel.
Brazen Hussies
After meeting her old school friend Sandra Delaney, who now works as a stripper, pub owner Maureen Hardcastle decides to spice up her flagging business by turning it into a male stripper club, with the help of untrustworthy businessman Billy Bowman.
A Little Bit of Lippy
Kenneth Cranham and Rachel Davies star as the parents of 19-year-old Marian Fairley, who finds a pair of women's knickers in her husband's laundry. Outraged to think he is havingan affair, she takes the TV, the microwave and the baby, and moves in with her parents down the road. But an even bigger shock awaits her.
A Small Mourning
When Marjorie's husband of 20 years dies of a brain tumour, she's hit financially as well as emotionally. The money she makes packing tights in a factory isn't enough to cover her rent, and her TV is repossessed. Soon after the funeral she meets Arnold, a wealthy pub landlord, who squires her to the local Conservative Club ball in an effort to cheer her up. Life with Arnold promises not only companionship but undreamt-of luxury, but Marjorie's friends and family do not necessarily approve.
The story is set in a small English coastal town, around the turn of the century. A young woman, thought by many in the village to be a witch, dies suddenly one day. Not long after she's buried, the villagers begin to see her walking around the area and especially along the shoreline. The village minister begins to look into her life and her death, hoping to lay the spirit to rest.
Chance of a Lifetime
Gordon Saville
School leaver Gordon Saville (Martyn Hesford) joins the army.
a boy
En un colegio católico, el padre Goddard se enfrenta a un terrible dilema: mantener el secreto de confesión o acudir a la policía para relatarles los crímenes cometidos por uno de sus alumnos. (FILMAFFINITY)